Guru Meditation ErrorL Core 0 Panic'ed(store access fault)
Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2022 10:46 am
Hello Espressif,
I am trying to send a json data through HTTPS POST Request to a Postman mock server. The data from nrf52833 dk is received to ESP32-C3 through UART Communication. To store the data in JSON format i have used esp-idf-cJson github library. For UART and HTTP protocol I have referred to uart_asyn_rxtx_example and esp_http_client example.
The issue is when I am storing the data in uart thread in json format and print the Json through "cJSON_Print(root)" it shows me "Guru Meditation ErrorL Core 0 Panic'ed(store access fault)" and further when the char string is passed to http thread in "esp_http_client_set_post_field(client, json_packet, strlen(json_packet))" function it shows me "Meditation ErrorL Core 0 Panic'ed(Load access fault)". I am not able to resolve the issue from last fortnight . I have attached the error image and code file for the same.
I am trying to send a json data through HTTPS POST Request to a Postman mock server. The data from nrf52833 dk is received to ESP32-C3 through UART Communication. To store the data in JSON format i have used esp-idf-cJson github library. For UART and HTTP protocol I have referred to uart_asyn_rxtx_example and esp_http_client example.
The issue is when I am storing the data in uart thread in json format and print the Json through "cJSON_Print(root)" it shows me "Guru Meditation ErrorL Core 0 Panic'ed(store access fault)" and further when the char string is passed to http thread in "esp_http_client_set_post_field(client, json_packet, strlen(json_packet))" function it shows me "Meditation ErrorL Core 0 Panic'ed(Load access fault)". I am not able to resolve the issue from last fortnight . I have attached the error image and code file for the same.