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ESP32-01s SHT3x libraries

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2021 5:25 pm
by fanzypantz
I got a SHT3x and it works fine on a regular ESP32 wroomer board, but getting it to run with an ESP32-01s have been unsuccessful. Can't really find anything specifically for ESP32 in general for the SHT3x and was wondering if it might just not be possible on the ESO32-01s?

Re: ESP32-01s SHT3x libraries

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2021 9:49 am
by chegewara
The first version of the ESP(32)-01 Programmer was build. Due to a pinout error, the USB-Connector (a Throu-Hole-Device, so no patch wires needed) must be soldered to the backside of the PCB. The Bug has been fixed in todays uploaded documentation and gerber files. Nevertheless, the gallery-pictures show the "buggy" setup.