ESP Prog doesn't work

Posts: 3
Joined: Mon May 17, 2021 11:30 am

ESP Prog doesn't work

Postby ashegheparyshun » Sun Jun 20, 2021 6:04 am

Hello everyone.
I want to debug my code using ESP Prog but I failed.
OS: Windows 10
IDE: VS Code 1.57.1
Espressif IDF extension: 1.1.0
ESP-IDF version: 4.3
Target: esp32 doit devkit
D15 -> TDO
D14 -> TMS
D13 -> TCK
D12 -> TDI
EN -> EN
TX0 -> TXD0
RX0 -> RXD0
(I tested Tx -> Rx but it didn't work also)
D0 -> IO0 (D0 in doit devkit is not accessible so I soldered a wire to it.)
Errors I got:
OpenOCD Exit with non-zero error code 3221225477
Failed to flash (via JTag), due to some unknown error in tcl, please try to relaunch open-ocd
Output log:

Code: Select all

Open On-Chip Debugger  v0.10.0-esp32-20210401 (2021-04-01-15:46)
Licensed under GNU GPL v2
For bug reports, read
adapter speed: 20000 kHz

Info : Listening on port 6666 for tcl connections
Info : Listening on port 4444 for telnet connections
Info : ftdi: if you experience problems at higher adapter clocks, try the command "ftdi_tdo_sample_edge falling"
Info : clock speed 20000 kHz
Info : JTAG tap: esp32.cpu0 tap/device found: 0x120034e5 (mfg: 0x272 (Tensilica), part: 0x2003, ver: 0x1)
Info : JTAG tap: esp32.cpu1 tap/device found: 0x120034e5 (mfg: 0x272 (Tensilica), part: 0x2003, ver: 0x1)
Info : esp32.cpu0: Target halted, PC=0x4009005D, debug_reason=00000000
Info : esp32.cpu1: Target halted, PC=0x40000400, debug_reason=00000000
Info : Listening on port 3333 for gdb connections
Info : accepting 'tcl' connection on tcp/6666
Info : dropped 'tcl' connection
Info : accepting 'tcl' connection on tcp/6666
Flashing c:/Users/n.marouj/Desktop/workspace/mqttServer/ws/build/partition_table/partition-table.bin at 0x8000
Info : JTAG tap: esp32.cpu0 tap/device found: 0x120034e5 (mfg: 0x272 (Tensilica), part: 0x2003, ver: 0x1)
Info : JTAG tap: esp32.cpu1 tap/device found: 0x120034e5 (mfg: 0x272 (Tensilica), part: 0x2003, ver: 0x1)
Info : esp32.cpu0: Debug controller was reset.
Info : esp32.cpu0: Core was reset.
Info : esp32.cpu0: Target halted, PC=0x500000CF, debug_reason=00000000
Info : Set GDB target to 'esp32.cpu0'
Info : esp32.cpu0: Core was reset.
Info : esp32.cpu0: Target halted, PC=0x40000400, debug_reason=00000000
Info : esp32.cpu1: Debug controller was reset.
Info : esp32.cpu1: Core was reset.
Info : esp32.cpu1: Target halted, PC=0x40000400, debug_reason=00000000
❌ Error: timed out while waiting for target halted / 4 - 2
Info : esp32.cpu0: Target halted, PC=0x40090058, debug_reason=00000000
❌ Error: xtensa_wait_algorith❌ m: not halted 0, pc 0x40090058, ps 0x60025
Error: Failed to wait algorithm (-302)!
Error: Algorithm run failed (-302)!
Info : Flash mapping 0: 0x0 -> 0x2b63b15, 0 KB
Info : Flash mapping 1: 0x18 -> 0x2b7f4ec, 44217 KB
Info : Flash mapping 2: 0x97f000 -> 0x2b758a4, 9724 KB
Info : Flash mapping 3: 0x2b4ca78 -> 0x97f000, 44502 KB
Info : Flash mapping 4: 0x97f0a8 -> 0x42e8bf, 44338 KB
Info : Flash mapping 5: 0xe -> 0x0, 0 KB
Info : Flash mapping 6: 0x1d0000 -> 0x0, 9724 KB
Info : Flash mapping 7: 0x482a77 -> 0x97f000, 0 KB
Info : Flash mapping 8: 0x66caae -> 0x97efcc, 0 KB
Info : Flash mapping 9: 0x0 -> 0x0, 4626 KB
Info : Flash mapping 10: 0x97f000 -> 0x97effc, 6578 KB
Info : Flash mapping 11: 0x2b40170 -> 0x66d0c8, 0 KB
Info : Flash mapping 12: 0x3530000 -> 0x28, 0 KB
Info : Flash mapping 13: 0x3530000 -> 0x97f008, 1950980 KB
Info : Flash mapping 14: 0x28 -> 0x771413ee, 0 KB
Info : Flash mapping 15: 0x0 -> 0x33707365, 1841355 KB
Info : Flash mapping 16: 0x662e3075 -> 0x6873616c, 54464 KB
Info : Flash mapping 17: 0x0 -> 0x28, 0 KB
Info : Flash mapping 18: 0x3530c50 -> 0x0, 9724 KB
Info : Flash mapping 19: 0x5ed3cc -> 0x28, 6499 KB
Info : Flash mapping 20: 0x2b5b998 -> 0x3530000, 44356 KB
Info : Flash mapping 21: 0x97f0a8 -> 0x0, 4613 KB
Info : Flash mapping 22: 0x97f0a8 -> 0x2b45c90, 0 KB
Info : Flash mapping 23: 0x2b75890 -> 0x97f1b4, 0 KB
Info : Flash mapping 24: 0x2b383c0 -> 0x4627aa, 9724 KB
Info : Flash mapping 25: 0x658d51 -> 0x0, 6500 KB
Info : Flash mapping 26: 0x658d52 -> 0x658d51, 44360 KB
Info : Flash mapping 27: 0x0 -> 0x7, 0 KB
Info : Flash mapping 28: 0x3530c50 -> 0x2b75980, 54467 KB
Info : Flash mapping 29: 0x2b72bd0 -> 0x2b383c0, 44317 KB
Info : Flash mapping 30: 0x2b4b8c8 -> 0x1, 44502 KB
Info : Flash mapping 31: 0x2b85f10 -> 0x3530d24, 6499 KB
Info : Flash mapping 32: 0x3530c94 -> 0x2b383c0, 9724 KB
Info : Flash mapping 33: 0x97f1b0 -> 0x2, 4490 KB
Info : Flash mapping 34: 0x2b47698 -> 0x658d06, 54467 KB
Info : Flash mapping 35: 0x5f26fc -> 0x3530c50, 44566 KB
Info : Flash mapping 36: 0x0 -> 0x20, 1856 KB
Info : Flash mapping 37: 0x1d01c8 -> 0x1d09d4, 0 KB
Info : Flash mapping 38: 0x1d09d0 -> 0x3, 9724 KB
Info : Flash mapping 39: 0x2b47698 -> 0x14, 0 KB
Info : Flash mapping 40: 0x11 -> 0x3530c50, 44226 KB
Info : Flash mapping 41: 0x3530d78 -> 0x3530d78, 6105 KB
Info : Flash mapping 42: 0x3530c50 -> 0x3, 9724 KB
Info : Flash mapping 43: 0x14 -> 0x0, 0 KB
Info : Flash mapping 44: 0x3 -> 0x2b85820, 54497 KB
Info : Flash mapping 45: 0x3530d78 -> 0x3530d78, 44567 KB
Info : Flash mapping 46: 0x1 -> 0x0, 0 KB
Info : Flash mapping 47: 0x5f7084 -> 0x3530000, 0 KB
Info : Flash mapping 48: 0x14 -> 0x11, 0 KB
Info : Flash mapping 49: 0x4 -> 0x3, 44535 KB
Info : Flash mapping 50: 0x97f1b0 -> 0x2b75990, 44541 KB
Info : Flash mapping 51: 0x2b5d8e8 -> 0x2b85ac0, 44567 KB
Info : Flash mapping 52: 0x2b85f70 -> 0x3, 44570 KB
Info : Flash mapping 53: 0x97f284 -> 0x3530c50, 6072 KB
Info : Flash mapping 54: 0x3530c50 -> 0x0, 0 KB
Info : Flash mapping 55: 0x3530c50 -> 0x35387c0, 54467 KB
Info : Flash mapping 56: 0x3530d78 -> 0x5fc88c, 54467 KB
Info : Flash mapping 57: 0x2b85820 -> 0x13, 54467 KB
Info : Flash mapping 58: 0x0 -> 0x0, 54467 KB
Info : Flash mapping 59: 0x5f6527 -> 0x3530c50, 0 KB
Info : Flash mapping 60: 0x97f280 -> 0x5f79a2, 54467 KB
Info : Flash mapping 61: 0x0 -> 0x4, 44406 KB
Info : Flash mapping 62: 0x97f38c -> 0x97f380, 0 KB
Info : Flash mapping 63: 0x2b85c40 -> 0x1, 0 KB
Info : Flash mapping 64: 0x4 -> 0x5f7084, 54467 KB
Info : Flash mapping 65: 0x2b85820 -> 0x2b85820, 6156 KB
Info : Flash mapping 66: 0x3530c50 -> 0x5, 0 KB
Info : Flash mapping 67: 0x2b52218 -> 0x97f280, 44343 KB
Info : Flash mapping 68: 0x2b7f2f8 -> 0x2b337d0, 44566 KB
Info : Flash mapping 69: 0x2b85c10 -> 0x2b85be0, 44567 KB
Info : Flash mapping 70: 0x3530c50 -> 0x0, 54467 KB
Info : Flash mapping 71: 0x5efea2 -> 0x3530c50, 44407 KB
Info : Flash mapping 72: 0x3537838 -> 0x4, 9724 KB
Info : Flash mapping 73: 0x97f380 -> 0x2, 6157 KB
Info : Flash mapping 74: 0x3530c50 -> 0x2b5d8e8, 7173 KB
Info : Flash mapping 75: 0x97f2e0 -> 0x97f2b0, 54467 KB
Info : Flash mapping 76: 0x97ffcc -> 0x3, 1919836 KB
Info : Flash mapping 77: 0x3530000 -> 0x0, 0 KB
Info : Flash mapping 78: 0xa58bcee1 -> 0x0, 54467 KB
Info : Flash mapping 79: 0x3530c50 -> 0x3538010, 54467 KB
Info : Flash mapping 80: 0x3530d78 -> 0x5f6527, 54467 KB
Info : Flash mapping 81: 0x5 -> 0x97f380, 1919922 KB
Info : Flash mapping 82: 0xd02f4fe9 -> 0x0, 0 KB
Info : Flash mapping 83: 0x5ed534 -> 0x2b72420, 44411 KB
Info : Flash mapping 84: 0x3530c50 -> 0x2b5d8e8, 0 KB
Info : Flash mapping 85: 0x0 -> 0x5, 6108 KB
Info : Flash mapping 86: 0x3530c50 -> 0x2b5ec38, 0 KB
Info : Flash mapping 87: 0x5ecc55 -> 0x2b41808, 0 KB
Info : Flash mapping 88: 0x5 -> 0x2b73548, 9724 KB
Info : Flash mapping 89: 0x3530c50 -> 0x2b6ffd0, 44404 KB
Info : Flash mapping 90: 0x2b5d918 -> 0x2b5dd08, 44407 KB
Info : Flash mapping 91: 0x2b5de58 -> 0x2b5d8e8, 0 KB
Info : Flash mapping 92: 0x2 -> 0x2b74930, 9725 KB
Info : Flash mapping 93: 0x2b720a8 -> 0x2b3fc18, 44214 KB
Info : Flash mapping 94: 0x2b49348 -> 0x2, 54467 KB
Info : Flash mapping 95: 0x5f6443 -> 0x3530c50, 44237 KB
Info : Flash mapping 96: 0x2b49378 -> 0x2b5ba38, 44343 KB
Info : Flash mapping 97: 0x1 -> 0x3530c50, 0 KB
Info : Flash mapping 98: 0x2 -> 0x3, 0 KB
Info : Flash mapping 99: 0x2b267b8 -> 0x1d0830, 9725 KB
Info : Flash mapping 100: 0x97f438 -> 0x3530c50, 44214 KB
Info : Flash mapping 101: 0x3530d78 -> 0x3530d78, 6105 KB
Info : Flash mapping 102: 0x97f480 -> 0x2b5d558, 0 KB
Info : Flash mapping 103: 0x0 -> 0x6, 0 KB
Info : Flash mapping 104: 0x4 -> 0x2b5d2b8, 54497 KB
Info : Flash mapping 105: 0x3530d78 -> 0x3530d78, 44405 KB
Info : Flash mapping 106: 0x1 -> 0x0, 0 KB
Info : Flash mapping 107: 0x5f7084 -> 0x28, 0 KB
Info : Flash mapping 108: 0x97f478 -> 0x752d7250, 54464 KB
Info : Flash mapping 109: 0x5 -> 0x4, 44337 KB
Info : Flash mapping 110: 0x97f480 -> 0x75, 44479 KB
Info : Flash mapping 111: 0x2b5d5e8 -> 0x2b5d558, 44405 KB
Info : Flash mapping 112: 0x2b5d708 -> 0x2b5d468, 44479 KB
Info : Flash mapping 113: 0x97f554 -> 0x3530c50, 6072 KB
Info : Flash mapping 114: 0x3530c50 -> 0x2b5d618, 54467 KB
Info : Flash mapping 115: 0x3530c50 -> 0x35387c0, 54467 KB
Info : Flash mapping 116: 0x3530d78 -> 0x5fc88c, 54467 KB
Info : Flash mapping 117: 0x2b5d2b8 -> 0x75, 54467 KB
Info : Flash mapping 118: 0x0 -> 0x0, 54467 KB
Info : Flash mapping 119: 0x5f6527 -> 0x3530c50, 0 KB
Info : Flash mapping 120: 0x97f550 -> 0x97f538, 1919836 KB
Info : Flash mapping 121: 0x0 -> 0x3, 44405 KB
Info : Flash mapping 122: 0x97f654 -> 0x1, 54467 KB
Info : Flash mapping 123: 0x2b5cf88 -> 0x1, 0 KB
Info : Flash mapping 124: 0x3 -> 0x5f7084, 54467 KB
Info : Flash mapping 125: 0x2b5d618 -> 0x1, 1919922 KB
Info : Flash mapping 126: 0xd02f4fe9 -> 0x4, 0 KB
Info : Flash mapping 127: 0x2b2e418 -> 0x97f550, 0 KB
Info : Flash mapping 128: 0x2b70250 -> 0x2b5d2e8, 44405 KB
Info : Flash mapping 129: 0x2b113f8 -> 0x2b5cf88, 6095 KB
Info : Flash mapping 130: 0x3530c50 -> 0x2b5d738, 44406 KB
Info : Flash mapping 131: 0x5edd20 -> 0x700960, 0 KB
Info : Flash mapping 132: 0x3538d78 -> 0x1, 9725 KB
Info : Flash mapping 133: 0x1 -> 0x3530c50, 6127 KB
Info : Flash mapping 134: 0x3530c50 -> 0x2b5d5e8, 44406 KB
Info : Flash mapping 135: 0x2b3a600 -> 0xe0, 0 KB
Info : Flash mapping 136: 0x0 -> 0x0, 9725 KB
Info : Flash mapping 137: 0x97f610 -> 0x0, 0 KB
Info : Flash mapping 138: 0x2b4c970 -> 0x2b5cc88, 44265 KB
Info : Flash mapping 139: 0x3530c50 -> 0x35385c0, 54467 KB
Info : Flash mapping 140: 0x3530d78 -> 0x5f6527, 54467 KB
Info : Flash mapping 141: 0x2 -> 0x97f650, 0 KB
Info : Flash mapping 142: 0x1 -> 0x0, 0 KB
Info : Flash mapping 143: 0x2b5d2e8 -> 0x3530c50, 44248 KB
Info : Flash mapping 144: 0x0 -> 0x2b5d5e8, 0 KB
Info : Flash mapping 145: 0x0 -> 0x2, 6108 KB
Info : Flash mapping 146: 0x2b72dd3 -> 0x2, 0 KB
Info : Flash mapping 147: 0xbd -> 0x2b72dd6, 0 KB
Info : Flash mapping 148: 0x2 -> 0x2b36590, 9725 KB
Info : Flash mapping 149: 0x1 -> 0x2b70020, 44318 KB
Info : Flash mapping 150: 0x2b5d378 -> 0x2b5d5e8, 54464 KB
Info : Flash mapping 151: 0x28 -> 0x0, 44488 KB
Info : Flash mapping 152: 0x97f688 -> 0x771413ee, 0 KB
Info : Flash mapping 153: 0x771413ee -> 0x0, 54467 KB
Info : Flash mapping 154: 0x3530c50 -> 0x2b362a0, 0 KB
Info : Flash mapping 155: 0x5f79bf -> 0x3530c50, 44404 KB
Info : Flash mapping 156: 0x28 -> 0x3530000, 9725 KB
Info : Flash mapping 157: 0x2b32a50 -> 0x2b5d6d8, 6068 KB
Info : Flash mapping 158: 0x28 -> 0x2b72138, 1857 KB
Info : Flash mapping 159: 0x30 -> 0x2b32a50, 54467 KB
Info : Flash mapping 160: 0x3530c50 -> 0x5f84b7, 54464 KB
Info : Flash mapping 161: 0x2b72138 -> 0x6a, 44398 KB
Info : Flash mapping 162: 0x2b4df38 -> 0x2, 0 KB
Info : Flash mapping 163: 0x20 -> 0x1d0000, 1856 KB
Info : Flash mapping 164: 0x1d0834 -> 0x0, 1858 KB
Info : Flash mapping 165: 0x0 -> 0x97f748, 1950981 KB
Info : Flash mapping 166: 0x28 -> 0x0, 9726 KB
Info : Flash mapping 167: 0x3530c50 -> 0x3530c50, 9726 KB
Info : Flash mapping 168: 0x0 -> 0x5f79a2, 54467 KB
Info : Flash mapping 169: 0x2b362a0 -> 0x3530000, 0 KB
Info : Flash mapping 170: 0x0 -> 0x97f890, 9725 KB
Info : Flash mapping 171: 0x771413ee -> 0x28, 1950980 KB
Info : Flash mapping 172: 0x0 -> 0x2b5cc88, 54467 KB
Info : Flash mapping 173: 0x2b71fe8 -> 0x3530c50, 6115 KB
Info : Flash mapping 174: 0x3530000 -> 0x0, 0 KB
Info : Flash mapping 175: 0x97f890 -> 0x3530c50, 0 KB
Info : Flash mapping 176: 0x2 -> 0x5eb1b7, 44281 KB
Info : Flash mapping 177: 0x3537838 -> 0x2b5cf88, 0 KB
Info : Flash mapping 178: 0x3530c50 -> 0x97f890, 0 KB
Info : Flash mapping 179: 0x603309 -> 0x3530c50, 44403 KB
Info : Flash mapping 180: 0x3537838 -> 0x1, 44281 KB
Info : Flash mapping 181: 0x1 -> 0x4, 6156 KB
Info : Flash mapping 182: 0x3530c50 -> 0x2b5cc88, 9725 KB
Info : Flash mapping 183: 0x2b749c0 -> 0x4, 44402 KB
Info : Flash mapping 184: 0x2b383c0 -> 0x2b5d2e8, 1919836 KB
Info : Flash mapping 185: 0x3530000 -> 0x0, 0 KB
Info : Flash mapping 186: 0xa58bc5f1 -> 0x0, 54467 KB
Info : Flash mapping 187: 0x3530c50 -> 0x3538010, 54467 KB
Info : Flash mapping 188: 0x2b5d2e8 -> 0x5f6527, 54467 KB
Info : Flash mapping 189: 0x5 -> 0x97f890, 1919922 KB
Info : Flash mapping 190: 0xd02f4fe9 -> 0x0, 0 KB
Info : Flash mapping 191: 0x97f890 -> 0x2b524e8, 44403 KB
Info : Flash mapping 192: 0x0 -> 0x2b5cdd8, 0 KB
Info : Flash mapping 193: 0x0 -> 0x5, 6108 KB
Info : Flash mapping 194: 0x3530c50 -> 0x2b5cd48, 44115 KB
Info : Flash mapping 195: 0x5ecc55 -> 0x2b5b128, 0 KB
Info : Flash mapping 196: 0x5 -> 0x2b6f010, 9726 KB
Info : Flash mapping 197: 0x3530c50 -> 0x2b6fe68, 44231 KB
Info : Flash mapping 198: 0x2b5d108 -> 0x2b5cc88, 44403 KB
Info : Flash mapping 199: 0x2b5d198 -> 0x2b5cdd8, 0 KB
Info : Flash mapping 200: 0x20 -> 0x2b514e8, 44395 KB
Info : Flash mapping 201: 0x35377b8 -> 0x8, 54467 KB
Info : Flash mapping 202: 0x97f920 -> 0x2b3a7e0, 0 KB
Info : Flash mapping 203: 0x5fd636 -> 0x3530c50, 44318 KB
Info : Flash mapping 204: 0x2b3a7e0 -> 0x5f6e06, 44395 KB
Info : Flash mapping 205: 0x2b477e8 -> 0x3530c50, 0 KB
Info : Flash mapping 206: 0x97f918 -> 0x97f9b0, 9726 KB
Info : Flash mapping 207: 0x97f910 -> 0x4, 54467 KB
Info : Flash mapping 208: 0x97f9bc -> 0x2b47a28, 44318 KB
Info : Flash mapping 209: 0x1 -> 0x2b3a5d0, 0 KB
Info : Flash mapping 210: 0x2b46ca4 -> 0x2, 0 KB
Info : Flash mapping 211: 0x3530c50 -> 0x3537b48, 54467 KB
Info : Flash mapping 212: 0x2b3a5d0 -> 0x5f6527, 0 KB
Info : Flash mapping 213: 0x4 -> 0x97f9b0, 44273 KB
Info : Flash mapping 214: 0xc -> 0x0, 0 KB
Info : Flash mapping 215: 0x2b31e50 -> 0x2b49828, 0 KB
Info : Flash mapping 216: 0x3530c50 -> 0x2b47a28, 0 KB
Info : Flash mapping 217: 0x0 -> 0x4, 6108 KB
Info : Flash mapping 218: 0x3530c50 -> 0x2b47f38, 0 KB
Info : Flash mapping 219: 0x5ecc55 -> 0x2b41978, 0 KB
Info : Flash mapping 220: 0x4 -> 0x2b705f0, 9726 KB
Info : Flash mapping 221: 0x3530c50 -> 0x2b382a8, 44153 KB
Info : Flash mapping 222: 0x2b477e8 -> 0x2b47b78, 44265 KB
Info : Flash mapping 223: 0x2b47a28 -> 0x2, 0 KB
Info : Flash mapping 224: 0x3 -> 0x2b5ac08, 9726 KB
Info : Flash mapping 225: 0x2b52d28 -> 0x2b430c8, 44267 KB
Info : Flash mapping 226: 0x2b49828 -> 0x3, 54467 KB
Info : Flash mapping 227: 0x5f6443 -> 0x3530c50, 44231 KB
Info : Flash mapping 228: 0x2b49588 -> 0x2b4e6f0, 44343 KB
Info : Flash mapping 229: 0x9 -> 0x3530c50, 0 KB
Info : Flash mapping 230: 0x2 -> 0x4, 0 KB
Info : Flash mapping 231: 0x2b14ec0 -> 0x1d0e48, 1856 KB
Info : Flash mapping 232: 0x97fa68 -> 0x3530c50, 44267 KB
Info : Flash mapping 233: 0x3530d78 -> 0x3530d78, 6105 KB
Info : Flash mapping 234: 0x97fab0 -> 0x2b3db40, 0 KB
Info : Flash mapping 235: 0x0 -> 0xe, 0 KB
Info : Flash mapping 236: 0x5 -> 0x2b1e5c8, 54467 KB
Info : Flash mapping 237: 0x0 -> 0x0, 44260 KB
Info : Flash mapping 238: 0x1 -> 0x0, 0 KB
Info : Flash mapping 239: 0x5f7084 -> 0x3530c50, 44323 KB
Info : Flash mapping 240: 0x97faa8 -> 0x752d7250, 54464 KB
Info : Flash mapping 241: 0x6 -> 0x5, 44309 KB
Info : Flash mapping 242: 0x97fab0 -> 0x2b4eb08, 44257 KB
Info : Flash mapping 243: 0x3530ed0 -> 0x2b3db40, 44279 KB
Info : Flash mapping 244: 0x2b32810 -> 0x2b3d9c0, 44260 KB
Info : Flash mapping 245: 0x67 -> 0x0, 6071 KB
Info : Flash mapping 246: 0x2b6ddc8 -> 0x67, 0 KB
Info : Flash mapping 247: 0x2b1e5c8 -> 0x3530c50, 0 KB
Info : Flash mapping 248: 0x0 -> 0x5f96dc, 54467 KB
Info : Flash mapping 249: 0x2b1e5c8 -> 0xffffffff, 6067 KB
Info : Flash mapping 250: 0x658e9e -> 0x658e9e, 0 KB
Info : Flash mapping 251: 0x2b383c0 -> 0x2b383c0, 54467 KB
Info : Flash mapping 252: 0x0 -> 0x462530, 54467 KB
Info : Flash mapping 253: 0x0 -> 0x0, 44471 KB
Info : Flash mapping 254: 0x97fbc0 -> 0x76f7e3da, 0 KB
Info : Flash mapping 255: 0x97fbc0 -> 0x68, 45690 KB
Info : Flash mapping 256: 0x0 -> 0x2c88fe0, 0 KB
Info : Flash mapping 257: 0x15de2a63 -> 0x0, 4463 KB
Info : Flash mapping 258: 0x254 -> 0x97fbc0, 0 KB
Info : Flash mapping 259: 0x2b383e8 -> 0x97fc27, 9727 KB
Info : Flash mapping 260: 0x2b42938 -> 0x45c473, 44256 KB
Info : Flash mapping 261: 0x2b6ddc8 -> 0x100, 54464 KB
Info : Flash mapping 262: 0x201 -> 0x203, 0 KB
Info : Flash mapping 263: 0x3530000 -> 0x97fc50, 0 KB
Info : Flash mapping 264: 0xc -> 0x3530c50, 9727 KB
Info : Flash mapping 265: 0x0 -> 0x1d07d0, 0 KB
Info : Flash mapping 266: 0x676f7270 -> 0x5f6d6172, 1563676 KB
Info : Flash mapping 267: 0x736e6962 -> 0x2f3a6320, 1874268 KB
Info : Flash mapping 268: 0x2e6e2f73 -> 0x6f72616d, 1117146 KB
Info : Flash mapping 269: 0x746b7365 -> 0x772f706f, 1891036 KB
Info : Flash mapping 270: 0x65636170 -> 0x74716d2f, 1874260 KB
Info : Flash mapping 271: 0x2f726576 -> 0x622f7377, 1645338 KB
Info : Flash mapping 272: 0x616c6620 -> 0x72656873, 1694872 KB
Info : Flash mapping 273: 0x736a2e73 -> 0x76206e6f, 1677916 KB
Info : Flash mapping 274: 0x65722079 -> 0x1a746573, 0 KB
Info : Flash mapping 275: 0x0 -> 0x3, 0 KB
Info : Flash mapping 276: 0x3530000 -> 0x10, 0 KB
Info : Flash mapping 277: 0x2 -> 0x97fc68, 1950980 KB
Info : Flash mapping 278: 0x10 -> 0x771413ee, 0 KB
Info : Flash mapping 279: 0x0 -> 0x10, 0 KB
Info : Flash mapping 280: 0x97fc88 -> 0x752d7250, 54464 KB
Info : Flash mapping 281: 0x0 -> 0x10, 9727 KB
Info : Flash mapping 282: 0x45c160 -> 0x2b383e8, 0 KB
Info : Flash mapping 283: 0x445e78 -> 0x10, 4464 KB
Info : Flash mapping 284: 0x0 -> 0x445da8, 0 KB
Info : Flash mapping 285: 0x0 -> 0x1000, 9727 KB
Info : Flash mapping 286: 0x2b42938 -> 0x2b42938, 44298 KB
Info : Flash mapping 287: 0x45c61e -> 0x97fd3c, 0 KB
Info : Flash mapping 288: 0x74979500 -> 0x2b36788, 44298 KB
Info : Flash mapping 289: 0x97fd3c -> 0x0, 4461 KB
Info : Flash mapping 290: 0x2b42938 -> 0x97fd3c, 0 KB
Info : Flash mapping 291: 0x0 -> 0x97fd18, 44357 KB
Info : Flash mapping 292: 0x2b51428 -> 0x23, 1856 KB
Info : Flash mapping 293: 0x1d01c4 -> 0x1db608, 16448 KB
Info : Flash mapping 294: 0x1d0898 -> 0x10, 0 KB
Info : Flash mapping 295: 0x0 -> 0x1, 0 KB
Info : Flash mapping 296: 0x1d0000 -> 0x1d01c0, 1858 KB
Info : Flash mapping 297: 0x0 -> 0x1d0900, 0 KB
Info : Flash mapping 298: 0x254 -> 0x254, 0 KB
Info : Flash mapping 299: 0x23c -> 0x658d06, 54464 KB
Info : Flash mapping 300: 0x97fd78 -> 0x10, 0 KB
Info : Flash mapping 301: 0x0 -> 0x2, 0 KB
Info : Flash mapping 302: 0x3530000 -> 0x8, 0 KB
Info : Flash mapping 303: 0x752d7250 -> 0x97fda4, 1950980 KB
Info : Flash mapping 304: 0x8 -> 0x771413ee, 0 KB
Info : Flash mapping 305: 0x0 -> 0x8, 0 KB
Info : Flash mapping 306: 0xc -> 0x97fdc4, 1919836 KB
Info : Flash mapping 307: 0x3530000 -> 0x2b5b998, 44287 KB
Info : Flash mapping 308: 0x8 -> 0x97fdd8, 1920085 KB
Info : Flash mapping 309: 0x2b5b998 -> 0x8, 6499 KB
Info : Flash mapping 310: 0x658d06 -> 0x3530d24, 0 KB
Info : Flash mapping 311: 0x5ecc55 -> 0x658d06, 6499 KB
Info : Flash mapping 312: 0x4 -> 0x3534f98, 54483 KB
Info : Flash mapping 313: 0x3534f98 -> 0x3530c50, 4489 KB
Info : Flash mapping 314: 0x2b48ec8 -> 0x97fe3c, 44398 KB
Info : Flash mapping 315: 0x0 -> 0x45d210, 4468 KB
Info : Flash mapping 316: 0x2b514f8 -> 0x0, 9727 KB
Info : Flash mapping 317: 0x634274 -> 0x0, 0 KB
Info : Flash mapping 318: 0x0 -> 0x11, 4194303 KB
Info : Flash mapping 319: 0x0 -> 0x657712, 44256 KB
Info : Flash mapping 320: 0x660000 -> 0x3534f98, 0 KB
Info : Flash mapping 321: 0x11 -> 0x97feb8, 4102 KB
Info : Flash mapping 322: 0x3534f98 -> 0x63420d, 54483 KB
Info : Flash mapping 323: 0x634214 -> 0x6341cc, 1920265 KB
Info : Flash mapping 324: 0x0 -> 0x0, 9727 KB
Info : Flash mapping 325: 0x771413ee -> 0x97ffcc, 0 KB
Info : Flash mapping 326: 0x3534ef8 -> 0x11, 9727 KB
Info : Flash mapping 327: 0x625180 -> 0x5, 54483 KB
Info : Flash mapping 328: 0x4 -> 0x0, 54483 KB
Info : Flash mapping 329: 0x11 -> 0x97ff80, 4100 KB
Info : Flash mapping 330: 0x5 -> 0x3534ef8, 54474 KB
Info : Flash mapping 331: 0x0 -> 0xf35d4bf0, 9727 KB
Info : Flash mapping 332: 0x77185466 -> 0xffffffff, 3355443 KB
Info : Flash mapping 333: 0xcccccccc -> 0xcccccccc, 3355443 KB
Info : Flash mapping 334: 0xcccccccc -> 0xcccccccc, 3355443 KB
Info : Flash mapping 335: 0xcccccccc -> 0x14c, 33 KB
Info : Flash mapping 336: 0x97ff30 -> 0x18, 0 KB
Info : Flash mapping 337: 0x3534ef8 -> 0xe9021112, 0 KB
Info : Flash mapping 338: 0x475e765e -> 0x0, 0 KB
Info : Flash mapping 339: 0x0 -> 0x0, 0 KB
Info : Flash mapping 340: 0x0 -> 0x0, 0 KB
Info : Flash mapping 341: 0x0 -> 0x0, 0 KB
Info : Flash mapping 342: 0x0 -> 0x0, 0 KB
Info : Flash mapping 343: 0x0 -> 0x0, 0 KB
Info : Flash mapping 344: 0x4014e0 -> 0x4014e0, 9727 KB
Info : Flash mapping 345: 0x3e9000 -> 0x4014e0, 4101 KB
Info : Flash mapping 346: 0x97ff94 -> 0x77048654, 4004 KB
Info : Flash mapping 347: 0x77048630 -> 0xabf80cba, 9727 KB
Info : Flash mapping 348: 0x77164b17 -> 0x3e9000, 3987282 KB
Info : Flash mapping 349: 0x0 -> 0x0, 4004 KB
Info : Flash mapping 350: 0x0 -> 0x0, 0 KB
Info : Flash mapping 351: 0x0 -> 0xf35d4af8, 9727 KB
Info : Flash mapping 352: 0x0 -> 0x97ffe4, 1951194 KB
Info : Flash mapping 353: 0x84d54e74 -> 0x0, 9727 KB
Info : Flash mapping 354: 0x77164ae7 -> 0xffffffff, 1951271 KB
Info : Flash mapping 355: 0x0 -> 0x0, 4101 KB
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Joined: Sun Aug 29, 2021 1:50 pm

Re: ESP Prog doesn't work

Postby XiotSamuel » Wed Oct 13, 2021 6:33 am

Any solution??

Posts: 15
Joined: Wed Oct 24, 2018 11:48 am

Re: ESP Prog doesn't work

Postby iw2lsi » Wed Oct 13, 2021 10:30 am


I've done basically the same and it works here... but without ESP-EN... and pay attention to the GND

TDO <-> GPIO-15/mtDO <-> pin label #15
TDI <-> GPIO-12/mtDI <-> pin label #12
TCK <-> GPIO-13/mtCK <-> pin label #13
TMS <-> GPIO-14/mtMS <-> pin label #14

GND <-> GND <-> any of the pin labeled with GND
NO! I HAD to use GND BETWEEN my devkit C PIN 12 e 13!


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Joined: Thu Nov 26, 2015 4:08 am

Re: ESP Prog doesn't work

Postby ESP_Sprite » Thu Oct 14, 2021 7:06 am

Note that there is a pin called CMD as well, that very much looks like GND on some silkscreens. (Some devkit-C clones actually have GND silkscreened there). That pin is not a ground pin and you can't use it as such.

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