Program ESP32-CAM via FTDI without manual reset?

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Program ESP32-CAM via FTDI without manual reset?

Postby feklee » Fri Nov 15, 2019 10:19 am

When programming the ESP32-CAM with an FTDI, I proceed as follows:
  • Connect IO0 to GND.
  • Reset the ESP32-CAM. (by cutting power)
  • Run: python2 $(which -p /dev/ttyUSB0 flash --baud 2000000
Afterwards, to monitor output:
  • Remove IO0 from GND.
  • Reset the ESP32-CAM. (as above)
  • Run: python2 $(which -p /dev/ttyUSB0 monitor
Is there a way to do all that without touching any cables or buttons?

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