[SOLVED]Porting from esp-idf v3.3.4 to v4.2 increase bin size

Posts: 208
Joined: Thu Nov 17, 2016 2:33 pm

[SOLVED]Porting from esp-idf v3.3.4 to v4.2 increase bin size

Postby davdav » Tue Feb 09, 2021 1:56 pm

Hi everybody,

For one of our products we decided to switch esp-idf from v3.3.4 to v4.2.
I installed all new toolchains and created a new project, setup cmake, configured SDKCONFIG trying to have the same options (or at least I think so) as the previous one: I have onlyremoved "Heap memory debugging" and disabled options for WiFi IRAM optimization (otherwise I have problem of IRAM0 overflow).

After compilation I discovered a big increase in size of the bin file. Just to compare:

esp-idf V3.3.4

Code: Select all

Total sizes:
 DRAM .data size:   18384 bytes
 DRAM .bss  size:   47424 bytes
Used static DRAM:   65808 bytes (  58772 available, 52.8% used)
Used static IRAM:  124313 bytes (   6759 available, 94.8% used)
      Flash code: 1156481 bytes
    Flash rodata:  250232 bytes
Total image size:~1549410 bytes (.bin may be padded larger)

esp-idf V4.2

Code: Select all

Total sizes:
 DRAM .data size:   22760 bytes
 DRAM .bss  size:   68208 bytes
 DRAM other size:      12 bytes (.noinit)
Used static DRAM:   90980 bytes (  33600 available, 73.0% used)
Used static IRAM:  101011 bytes (  30061 available, 77.1% used)
      Flash code: 1365283 bytes
    Flash rodata:  293960 bytes
Total image size:~1851234 bytes (.bin may be padded larger)
A difference of about 300Kb!!

Source code are the same, except for modification of the new WiFi init which requires "esp_netif_init" instead of "tcpip_adapter_init".

Is there any guide for "safe" migration from esp-idf v3.3 to v4.2?
Or any hint to follow?

Thank you!
Last edited by davdav on Thu Feb 11, 2021 2:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Posts: 3529
Joined: Tue Dec 01, 2015 7:35 am

Re: Porting from esp-idf v3.3.4 to v4.2 increase bin size

Postby WiFive » Tue Feb 09, 2021 4:00 pm

idf.py size-components should give you more info

Posts: 208
Joined: Thu Nov 17, 2016 2:33 pm

Re: Porting from esp-idf v3.3.4 to v4.2 increase bin size

Postby davdav » Wed Feb 10, 2021 7:39 am

WiFive wrote:
Tue Feb 09, 2021 4:00 pm
idf.py size-components should give you more info
Thanks @WiFive. I have worked on menuconfig and removed some BLE features (in particular debug to save .bin size), so now I have a difference of 100KB. Below is size-components:


Code: Select all

Total sizes:
 DRAM .data size:   18392 bytes
 DRAM .bss  size:   47912 bytes
Used static DRAM:   66304 bytes (  58276 available, 53.2% used)
Used static IRAM:  124309 bytes (   6763 available, 94.8% used)
      Flash code: 1157633 bytes
    Flash rodata:  250040 bytes
Total image size:~1550374 bytes (.bin may be padded larger)
Per-archive contributions to ELF file:
            Archive File DRAM .data & .bss   IRAM Flash code & rodata   Total
               libmain.a       1588  18651     56     330836    84570  435701
           libnet80211.a        940   9042  10455      94218    21903  136558
                 libbt.a        334   2875    433     115919    10082  129643
            libmbedtls.a        100    264     30      95773    17997  114164
           libbtdm_app.a        660   2386  23395      66436     4141   97018
               liblwip.a         21   4233      0      76984    15489   96727
                  libc.a          0      0      0      63494     6259   69753
                 libpp.a       1317   5411  22924      35772     4248   69672
             libdriver.a        171    353   5863      39127    21024   66538
                libphy.a       1604    930   6479      30567        0   39580
              libesp32.a       2563    589   9590      14938     9171   36851
                libwpa.a          0    686      0      21758     2577   25021
             libspiffs.a          0     12      0      19784     1345   21141
           libfreertos.a       4136    776  13666          0     1871   20449
              libfatfs.a          4     47      0      16412     2144   18607
    libesp_http_server.a          0      8      0      10121     5902   16031
     libwpa_supplicant.a          0      0      0      12545     2318   14863
               libmqtt.a          4      0      0      10993     3814   14811
             libnghttp.a          0      0      0      10054     3874   13928
          libnvs_flash.a          0     32      0      10555     3193   13780
                libsoc.a        127      4   6524        514     3995   11164
              libsdmmc.a          0      0      0       7462     3567   11029
            libcoexist.a       2050     28   3943       4342      315   10678
    libesp_http_client.a          0      0      0       6579     2229    8808
          libspi_flash.a         24    291   5564       1230      961    8070
               libheap.a       1324     34   4359       1106      828    7651
                libvfs.a        240    103      0       6674      571    7588
                  libm.a          4      0      0       6850      477    7331
             libespnow.a          4     64      0       5547     1237    6852
                libgcc.a          4     20    104       5560      888    6576
 libbootloader_support.a          0      4    875       2879     1428    5186
              libefuse.a         44      4      0       2269     2222    4539
      libtcp_transport.a          0      0      0       3141      917    4058
             libstdc++.a          8     20      0       2701     1253    3982
        libesp_ringbuf.a          0      0   3212          0      599    3811
            libesp-tls.a          0      4      0       2461     1272    3737
      libtcpip_adapter.a          0    124      0       2943      284    3351
         libapp_update.a          0     12     85       1617     1093    2807
             libnewlib.a        152    272    759       1071      102    2356
      libesp_https_ota.a          0      0      0       1318      985    2303
                librtc.a          0      4   2235          0        0    2239
          libesp_event.a          0      0      0       1330      879    2209
               libjson.a         12      8      0       2120       40    2180
        libespcoredump.a        609      0   1202          0        0    1811
        libesp_adc_cal.a          0      0      0       1024      706    1730
            libpthread.a         16     12    236        747      611    1622
                liblog.a          8    268    422        692       80    1470
    libsmartconfig_ack.a          0      1      0        783      256    1040
      liblis2de12_STdC.a          0      0      0        915        0     915
               libcore.a          0     29      0        647      225     901
                libhal.a          0      0    515          0       32     547
               libmesh.a          1      1      0         43        0      45
                libcxx.a          0      0      0         11        0      11
               libwpa2.a          0      1      0          0        0       1
                libwps.a          0      1      0          0        0       1
           libethernet.a          0      0      0          0        0       0
esp-idf v4.2

Code: Select all

Total sizes:
 DRAM .data size:   22744 bytes
 DRAM .bss  size:   42384 bytes
 DRAM other size:      12 bytes (.noinit)
Used static DRAM:   65140 bytes (  59440 available, 52.3% used)
Used static IRAM:  101951 bytes (  29121 available, 77.8% used)
      Flash code: 1240003 bytes
    Flash rodata:  244076 bytes
Total image size:~1651170 bytes (.bin may be padded larger)
Per-archive contributions to ELF file:
            Archive File DRAM .data & .bss & other   IRAM   D/IRAM Flash code & rodata   Total
               libmain.a       1588  18675      10     60        0     341751    84762  446846
           libnet80211.a       1040   6185       0     47        0     110887    21536  139695
                 libbt.a        168    357       0    393        0     118680    10037  129635
               liblwip.a         25   4106       0      0        0      82807    19432  106370
           libbtdm_app.a        763   2405       0  27610        0      67274     4534  102586
         libmbedcrypto.a         64     85       0     30        0      72479    11203   83861
                  libc.a          4      0       0      0        0      63591     8214   71809
                 libpp.a       1262   3785       0   1395        0      53579     4485   64506
             libdriver.a        327    338       0   4807        0      39293    15589   60354
                libphy.a       1621    675       0   7829        0      32371        0   42496
     libwpa_supplicant.a         12    844       0      0        0      36919     3448   41223
            libmbedtls.a         60    200       0      0        0      22516     4935   27711
           libfreertos.a       5268    792       0  13888        0          0     1963   21911
             libspiffs.a          0     12       0      0        0      19768     1427   21207
                libsoc.a        435      4       0  11772        0       6140     2777   21128
              libfatfs.a          4     42       0      0        0      17220     2258   19524
          libnvs_flash.a          0     24       0      0        0      12063     3211   15298
               libmqtt.a          4      0       0      0        0      10827     3461   14292
             libnghttp.a          0      0       0      0        0      10010     3815   13825
              libesp32.a         96    187       0   4730        0       4865     2757   12635
          libspi_flash.a        878    294       0   7129        0       1664     1513   11478
    libesp_http_server.a          0      8       0      0        0       7755     3511   11274
              libsdmmc.a          0      0       0      0        0       7815     3378   11193
            libcoexist.a       2030     28       0   3696        0       4632      325   10711
        libespcoredump.a       2901   1900       0      0        0       5132      359   10292
    libesp_http_client.a          0      0       0      0        0       6546     2363    8909
           libesp_wifi.a        500     72       0    502        0       5115     2464    8653
           libmbedx509.a          0      0       0      0        0       6386     1310    7696
                libvfs.a        308     48       0      0        0       6516      699    7571
                  libm.a          4      0       0      0        0       6716      477    7197
          libesp_netif.a         12     25       0      0        0       4997     1903    6937
                libgcc.a          8     12       0    193        0       5555      872    6640
             libespnow.a          4     64       0      0        0       5303     1237    6608
               libheap.a        759      8       0   3148        0       1151      605    5671
            libesp-tls.a          0      4       0      0        0       3611     1804    5419
 libbootloader_support.a          0      4       0    882        0       3096     1408    5390
      libtcp_transport.a          0      0       0      0        0       3831     1268    5099
         libesp_system.a       1767     26       0   2633        0        266      214    4906
              libefuse.a         84      5       0      0        0       2448     2177    4714
          libesp_event.a          0      4       0      0        0       3273      993    4270
        libesp_ringbuf.a          0      0       0   3406        0          0      572    3978
         libesp_common.a        147    163       0    361        0       2152     1028    3851
             libstdc++.a          8     20       0      0        0       2553     1044    3625
          libesp_timer.a         16     20       0   1131        0       1024      822    3013
         libapp_update.a          0     12       0     88        0       1634      994    2728
             libnewlib.a        190    272       0    949        0       1039       98    2548
      libesp_https_ota.a          0      0       0      0        0       1322      946    2268
               libjson.a         12      8       0      0        0       2210       28    2258
                librtc.a          0      4       0   2239        0          0        0    2243
          libsoc_esp32.a          0      0       0      0        0          0     1766    1766
        libesp_adc_cal.a          0      0       0      0        0       1041      663    1704
                liblog.a          8    272       0    250        0        903      239    1672
            libpthread.a         16     12       0    224        0        657      480    1389
      liblis2de12_STdC.a          0      0       0      0        0        959        0     959
               libcore.a          0     29       0      0        0        613      228     870
            libesp_ipc.a          0     56       0    171        0        471      122     820
                libhal.a          0      0       0    515        0          0       32     547
      libtcpip_adapter.a          0     17       0      0        0        430       49     496
             libxtensa.a          0      0       0    421        0          0       58     479
                   (exe)          0      0       0      3        0          3       12      18
                libcxx.a          0      0       0      0        0         11        0      11
               libmesh.a          0      0       0      0        0          0        0       0
The only main difference is the presence of " libmbedcrypto.a" which account for 83KB.
I'm also checking why "libmain.a" (my application code, righe?) is about 10KB respect previous version more even if code is the same.


Posts: 612
Joined: Tue Aug 21, 2018 5:28 am

Re: Porting from esp-idf v3.3.4 to v4.2 increase bin size

Postby boarchuz » Wed Feb 10, 2021 7:50 am

Posts: 208
Joined: Thu Nov 17, 2016 2:33 pm

Re: Porting from esp-idf v3.3.4 to v4.2 increase bin size

Postby davdav » Wed Feb 10, 2021 12:05 pm

boarchuz wrote:
Wed Feb 10, 2021 7:50 am
Have a look at this too:
Thanks @boarchuz. I have checked difference and, although there is an increase in some of my source code(this is strange but could be related to change from "tcpip_adpater" to "esp-netif"? ), the main and relevant difference is the presence of the libmbedcrypto.a library which account for 83KB.

But I think to have selected the same options in the menuconfig so to mantain the same functionalities. Below the difference.


Code: Select all

python ../esp-idf-v4.2/tools/idf_size.py --archives build/AviorBox_ESP32_WiFi.map --diff ../Avior_Box_binFile/buildBox_encryp/AviorBox_ESP32_WiFi.map
<CURRENT> MAP file: build/AviorBox_ESP32_WiFi.map
<REFERENCE> MAP file: ../Avior_Box_binFile/buildBox_encryp/AviorBox_ESP32_WiFi.map
Difference is counted as <CURRENT> - <REFERENCE>, i.e. a positive number means that <CURRENT> is larger.
Total sizes of <CURRENT>:                                                 <REFERENCE>     Difference
 DRAM .data size:   22744 bytes                                                 18392          +4352
 DRAM .bss  size:   42368 bytes                                                 47912          -5544
 DRAM other size:      12 bytes (.noinit)                                          12
Used static DRAM:   65124 bytes (  59456 available, 52.3% used)                 66316          -1192 (  +1192 available,      +0 total)
Used static IRAM:  101951 bytes (  29121 available, 77.8% used)                124309         -22358 ( +22358 available,      +0 total)
      Flash code: 1239715 bytes                                               1157633         +82082
    Flash rodata:  244004 bytes                                                250040          -6036
Total image size:~1650794 bytes (.bin may be padded larger)                   1598298         +52496
Per-archive contributions to ELF file:
            Archive File              DRAM .data               DRAM .bss              DRAM other                    IRAM                  D/IRAM              Flash code            Flash rodata                   Total
                        |    <C>|    <R>|<C>-<R>|    <C>|    <R>|<C>-<R>|    <C>|    <R>|<C>-<R>|    <C>|    <R>|<C>-<R>|    <C>|    <R>|<C>-<R>|    <C>|    <R>|<C>-<R>|    <C>|    <R>|<C>-<R>|    <C>|    <R>|<C>-<R>
                         -----------------------                         -----------------------                         -----------------------                         -----------------------
               libmain.a|   1588|   1588|       |  18679|  18651|    +28|     10|     10|       |     60|     56|     +4|       |       |       | 341839| 330836| +11003|  84747|  84570|   +177| 446923| 435711| +11212
           libnet80211.a|   1040|    940|   +100|   6185|   9042|  -2857|       |       |       |     47|  10455| -10408|       |       |       | 110887|  94218| +16669|  21536|  21903|   -367| 139695| 136558|  +3137
                 libbt.a|    168|    334|   -166|    357|   2875|  -2518|       |       |       |    393|    433|    -40|       |       |       | 118680| 115919|  +2761|  10037|  10082|    -45| 129635| 129643|     -8
               liblwip.a|     25|     21|     +4|   4106|   4233|   -127|       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |  82803|  76984|  +5819|  19432|  15489|  +3943| 106366|  96727|  +9639
           libbtdm_app.a|    763|    660|   +103|   2405|   2386|    +19|       |       |       |  27610|  23395|  +4215|       |       |       |  67274|  66436|   +838|   4534|   4141|   +393| 102586|  97018|  +5568
                  libc.a|      4|       |     +4|       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |  63591|  63494|    +97|   8214|   6259|  +1955|  71809|  69753|  +2056
                 libpp.a|   1262|   1317|    -55|   3785|   5411|  -1626|       |       |       |   1395|  22924| -21529|       |       |       |  53579|  35772| +17807|   4485|   4248|   +237|  64506|  69672|  -5166
             libdriver.a|    327|    171|   +156|    338|    353|    -15|       |       |       |   4807|   5863|  -1056|       |       |       |  39297|  39127|   +170|  15589|  21024|  -5435|  60358|  66538|  -6180
                libphy.a|   1621|   1604|    +17|    675|    930|   -255|       |       |       |   7829|   6479|  +1350|       |       |       |  32371|  30567|  +1804|       |       |       |  42496|  39580|  +2916
     libwpa_supplicant.a|     12|       |    +12|    844|       |   +844|       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |  36919|  12545| +24374|   3448|   2318|  +1130|  41223|  14863| +26360
            libmbedtls.a|     60|    100|    -40|    200|    264|    -64|       |       |       |       |     30|    -30|       |       |       |  22516|  95773| -73257|   4935|  17997| -13062|  27711| 114164| -86453
           libfreertos.a|   5268|   4136|  +1132|    792|    776|    +16|       |       |       |  13888|  13666|   +222|       |       |       |       |       |       |   1963|   1871|    +92|  21911|  20449|  +1462
             libspiffs.a|       |       |       |     12|     12|       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |  19768|  19784|    -16|   1427|   1345|    +82|  21207|  21141|    +66
                libsoc.a|    435|    127|   +308|      4|      4|       |       |       |       |  11772|   6524|  +5248|       |       |       |   6140|    514|  +5626|   2777|   3995|  -1218|  21128|  11164|  +9964
              libfatfs.a|      4|      4|       |     42|     47|     -5|       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |  17220|  16412|   +808|   2258|   2144|   +114|  19524|  18607|   +917
          libnvs_flash.a|       |       |       |     24|     32|     -8|       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |  12063|  10555|  +1508|   3211|   3193|    +18|  15298|  13780|  +1518
               libmqtt.a|      4|      4|       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |  10827|  10993|   -166|   3461|   3814|   -353|  14292|  14811|   -519
             libnghttp.a|       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |  10010|  10054|    -44|   3815|   3874|    -59|  13825|  13928|   -103
              libesp32.a|     96|   2563|  -2467|    187|    589|   -402|       |       |       |   4730|   9590|  -4860|       |       |       |   4865|  14938| -10073|   2757|   9171|  -6414|  12635|  36851| -24216
          libspi_flash.a|    878|     24|   +854|    294|    291|     +3|       |       |       |   7129|   5564|  +1565|       |       |       |   1664|   1230|   +434|   1513|    961|   +552|  11478|   8070|  +3408
    libesp_http_server.a|       |       |       |      8|      8|       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |   7759|  10121|  -2362|   3511|   5902|  -2391|  11278|  16031|  -4753
              libsdmmc.a|       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |   7815|   7462|   +353|   3378|   3567|   -189|  11193|  11029|   +164
            libcoexist.a|   2030|   2050|    -20|     28|     28|       |       |       |       |   3696|   3943|   -247|       |       |       |   4632|   4342|   +290|    325|    315|    +10|  10711|  10678|    +33
        libespcoredump.a|   2901|    609|  +2292|   1900|       |  +1900|       |       |       |       |   1202|  -1202|       |       |       |   5132|       |  +5132|    359|       |   +359|  10292|   1811|  +8481
    libesp_http_client.a|       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |   6566|   6579|    -13|   2363|   2229|   +134|   8929|   8808|   +121
                libvfs.a|    308|    240|    +68|     48|    103|    -55|       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |   6516|   6674|   -158|    699|    571|   +128|   7571|   7588|    -17
                  libm.a|      4|      4|       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |   6716|   6850|   -134|    477|    477|       |   7197|   7331|   -134
                libgcc.a|      8|      4|     +4|     12|     20|     -8|       |       |       |    193|    104|    +89|       |       |       |   5555|   5560|     -5|    872|    888|    -16|   6640|   6576|    +64
             libespnow.a|      4|      4|       |     64|     64|       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |   5303|   5547|   -244|   1237|   1237|       |   6608|   6852|   -244
               libheap.a|    759|   1324|   -565|      8|     34|    -26|       |       |       |   3148|   4359|  -1211|       |       |       |   1151|   1106|    +45|    605|    828|   -223|   5671|   7651|  -1980
            libesp-tls.a|       |       |       |      4|      4|       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |   3603|   2461|  +1142|   1804|   1272|   +532|   5411|   3737|  +1674
 libbootloader_support.a|       |       |       |      4|      4|       |       |       |       |    882|    875|     +7|       |       |       |   3096|   2879|   +217|   1408|   1428|    -20|   5390|   5186|   +204
      libtcp_transport.a|       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |   3791|   3141|   +650|   1268|    917|   +351|   5059|   4058|  +1001
              libefuse.a|     84|     44|    +40|      5|      4|     +1|       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |   2448|   2269|   +179|   2177|   2222|    -45|   4714|   4539|   +175
          libesp_event.a|       |       |       |      4|       |     +4|       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |   3277|   1330|  +1947|    993|    879|   +114|   4274|   2209|  +2065
        libesp_ringbuf.a|       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |   3406|   3212|   +194|       |       |       |       |       |       |    572|    599|    -27|   3978|   3811|   +167
             libstdc++.a|      8|      8|       |     20|     20|       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |   2553|   2701|   -148|   1044|   1253|   -209|   3625|   3982|   -357
         libapp_update.a|       |       |       |     12|     12|       |       |       |       |     88|     85|     +3|       |       |       |   1634|   1617|    +17|    994|   1093|    -99|   2728|   2807|    -79
             libnewlib.a|    190|    152|    +38|    272|    272|       |       |       |       |    949|    759|   +190|       |       |       |   1039|   1071|    -32|     98|    102|     -4|   2548|   2356|   +192
      libesp_https_ota.a|       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |   1322|   1318|     +4|    946|    985|    -39|   2268|   2303|    -35
               libjson.a|     12|     12|       |      8|      8|       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |   2210|   2120|    +90|     28|     40|    -12|   2258|   2180|    +78
                librtc.a|       |       |       |      4|      4|       |       |       |       |   2239|   2235|     +4|       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |   2243|   2239|     +4
        libesp_adc_cal.a|       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |   1041|   1024|    +17|    663|    706|    -43|   1704|   1730|    -26
                liblog.a|      8|      8|       |    272|    268|     +4|       |       |       |    250|    422|   -172|       |       |       |    903|    692|   +211|    239|     80|   +159|   1672|   1470|   +202
            libpthread.a|     16|     16|       |     12|     12|       |       |       |       |    224|    236|    -12|       |       |       |    657|    747|    -90|    480|    611|   -131|   1389|   1622|   -233
      liblis2de12_STdC.a|       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |    959|    915|    +44|       |       |       |    959|    915|    +44
               libcore.a|       |       |       |     29|     29|       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |    613|    647|    -34|    228|    225|     +3|    870|    901|    -31
                libhal.a|       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |    515|    515|       |       |       |       |       |       |       |     32|     32|       |    547|    547|
                libcxx.a|       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |     11|     11|       |       |       |       |     11|     11|
               libmesh.a|       |      1|     -1|       |      1|     -1|       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |     43|    -43|       |       |       |       |     45|    -45
The following entries are present in <CURRENT> only:
            Archive File DRAM .data & .bss & other   IRAM   D/IRAM Flash code & rodata   Total
         libmbedcrypto.a         64     85       0     30        0      72479    11203   83861
           libesp_wifi.a        500     72       0    502        0       5166     2435    8675
           libmbedx509.a          0      0       0      0        0       6386     1310    7696
          libesp_netif.a         12     25       0      0        0       5041     1932    7010
         libesp_system.a       1767     26       0   2633        0        266      214    4906
         libesp_common.a        147    163       0    361        0       2152     1028    3851
          libesp_timer.a         16     20       0   1131        0       1024      822    3013
          libsoc_esp32.a          0      0       0      0        0          0     1766    1766
            libesp_ipc.a          0     56       0    171        0        471      122     820
             libxtensa.a          0      0       0    421        0          0       58     479
                   (exe)          0      0       0      3        0          3       12      18
The following entries are present in <REFERENCE> only:
            Archive File DRAM .data & .bss & other   IRAM   D/IRAM Flash code & rodata   Total
                libwpa.a          0    686       0      0        0      21758     2577   25021
      libtcpip_adapter.a          0    124       0      0        0       2943      284    3351
    libsmartconfig_ack.a          0      1       0      0        0        783      256    1040
               libwpa2.a          0      1       0      0        0          0        0       1
                libwps.a          0      1       0      0        0          0        0       1
           libethernet.a          0      0       0      0        0          0        0       0

Posts: 3529
Joined: Tue Dec 01, 2015 7:35 am

Re: Porting from esp-idf v3.3.4 to v4.2 increase bin size

Postby WiFive » Wed Feb 10, 2021 3:24 pm

libmbedtls.a also decreased by that amount.
Total image size:~1650794 bytes (.bin may be padded larger) 1598298 +52496
So you are down to around 50k which is probably expected for new features. A 3% increase.

Posts: 208
Joined: Thu Nov 17, 2016 2:33 pm

Re: Porting from esp-idf v3.3.4 to v4.2 increase bin size

Postby davdav » Thu Feb 11, 2021 2:02 pm

WiFive wrote:
Wed Feb 10, 2021 3:24 pm
libmbedtls.a also decreased by that amount.
Total image size:~1650794 bytes (.bin may be padded larger) 1598298 +52496
So you are down to around 50k which is probably expected for new features. A 3% increase.
Thanks @WiFive. That's OK to have 3% of increase.

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