UDP Client | CORRUPT HEAP: multi_heap.c:540

Posts: 16
Joined: Fri Oct 23, 2020 5:32 pm

UDP Client | CORRUPT HEAP: multi_heap.c:540

Postby mcmega » Mon Dec 28, 2020 7:12 am

Faced strange application behavior.
I send broadcasts to the network to find other devices. They are sent periodically by setting a timeout time for
int len = recvfrom (sock, udpcBuffer, sizeof (udpcBuffer) - 1, 0, (struct sockaddr *) & source_addr, & socklen);

The first time I send a request, everything goes well, I get a complete list of all responses.
On the second run to send the request, the application crashes.

Code: Select all

// Database of serial numbers and correspondences of IP addresses found on the network
char * devsList;

/* Create json with serial number of current device and IP address */
cJSON * root = cJSON_CreateObject();
cJSON_AddStringToObject(root, getDeviceSN(commonBuffer), ipAddr);
devsList = cJSON_PrintUnformatted(root);

Code: Select all

// Checking the received package and adding new devices to the list
static void checkDevSN(const char * udpcBuffer, const char * addressString) {
  cJSON * rxData = cJSON_Parse(udpcBuffer);
  if (rxData != NULL) {
    const char * currentDev = cJSON_GetObjectItem(rxData, "DevSN")->valuestring;
    if (validDevSN(currentDev) == true) {
      cJSON * devsList_t = cJSON_Parse(devsList);
      cJSON * item = NULL;
      int isExist = false;
      cJSON_ArrayForEach(item, devsList_t) {
        if (strcmp(item->string, currentDev) == 0) {
          isExist = true;
      if (isExist == false) {
        cJSON_AddStringToObject(devsList_t, currentDev, addressString);
        char * newDevsList = cJSON_PrintUnformatted(devsList_t);
        strcpy(devsList, newDevsList); // If disabled, it does not crash
      } else {

Code: Select all

// Sending requests to find devices (Task UDC Client)
static void taskUDPClient(void * pvParameters) {
  char udpcBuffer[128];
  char addressString[128];
  int addressFamily = 0;
  int ipProtocol = 0;
  /* Timeout for recvfrom */
  struct timeval read_timeout;
  read_timeout.tv_sec = 3;
  while (1) {
    struct sockaddr_in dest_addr;
    dest_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(UDPC_HOST_IP_ADDR);
    dest_addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
    dest_addr.sin_port = htons(UDP_PORT);
    addressFamily = AF_INET;
    ipProtocol = IPPROTO_IP;
    int sock = socket(addressFamily, SOCK_DGRAM, ipProtocol);
    if (sock < 0) {
      sendUART("ER!", "UDP Client Task", "Unable to create socket");
    setsockopt(sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO, &read_timeout, sizeof read_timeout);
    int requestCounter = 3;

    while (1) {
      int err = sendto(sock, UDP_SEARCH_PHRASE, strlen(UDP_SEARCH_PHRASE), 0, (struct sockaddr *)&dest_addr, sizeof(dest_addr));
      if (err < 0) {
        sendUART("ER!" , "UDP Client Task", "Error Sending");
      /* Waiting for responses */
      while (1) {
        struct sockaddr_storage source_addr;
        socklen_t socklen = sizeof(source_addr);
        int len = recvfrom(sock, udpcBuffer, sizeof(udpcBuffer) - 1, 0, (struct sockaddr *)&source_addr, &socklen);
        if (len < 0) break;
        /* Get the sender's IP address */
        inet_ntoa_r(((struct sockaddr_in *)&source_addr)->sin_addr, addressString, sizeof(addressString) - 1);
        /* Data received */
        if (len > 0) {
          udpcBuffer[len] = 0;
          checkDevSN(udpcBuffer, addressString);
      if (--requestCounter == 0) {
        /* Displaying an updated database of serial numbers */
        sendUART("UDPc", "devsList", devsList);
        vTaskDelay(10 * 1000 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS);
        requestCounter = 3;
    if (sock != -1) {
      sendUART("ER!" , "UDP Client Task", "Restarting");
      shutdown(sock, 0);
On the first request, I receive and process everything correctly UDPc devsList {"FF008-6D1FC8C-F2DC0":"","FD8A0-61DF5EC-22900":"","F7C9E-6BDFE3C-07180":""}
On the second occurrence (after the delay vTaskDelay (10 * 1000 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS);) the application crashes with an error:

Code: Select all

CORRUPT HEAP: multi_heap.c:540 detected at 0x3ffb93b0

abort() was called at PC 0x4008bb99 on core 0

Backtrace:0x40087d77:0x3ffcb7b0 0x40088415:0x3ffcb7d0 0x4008ef7a:0x3ffcb7f0 0x4008bb99:0x3ffcb860 0x4008141a:0x3ffcb880 0x4008efa5:0x3ffcb8a0 0x400d772e:0x3ffcb8c0 0x400d771d:0x3ffcb8e0 0x400d5f5f:0x3ffcb900 0x400d6082:0x3ffcb930 0x4008841e:0x3ffcba90

Posts: 16
Joined: Fri Oct 23, 2020 5:32 pm

Re: UDP Client | CORRUPT HEAP: multi_heap.c:540

Postby mcmega » Mon Dec 28, 2020 5:19 pm

Extra break; installed in the code.

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