ESP BLE Mesh v0.5 Beta has been released

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Re: ESP BLE Mesh v0.5 Beta has been released

Postby diogo.andrade » Wed Apr 24, 2019 2:36 pm

ESP_Island wrote:
Sun Nov 11, 2018 9:07 am
Ive been running ble mesh example for few minutes as for now and i have question. From menuconfig options i understand that esp32 should store all necessary data exchanged during provisioning like app key, IV etc, but now it seems not work. My question is: is it implemented now, will it be implemented or do we need to implement it in our app? No complaining, just asking.

ESP32 stores all necessary provisioning data like app key, IV etc, as you mentioned.

Currently, it doesn't store the data in NVS. So if you don't reboot the device, it should work finely. If it doesn't work on your side, could you tell us how to reproduce your issue?

BTW, for the "power-down memory" feature:
* We have finished the "NVS storage" of Mesh nodes and it will be released soon
* For the "NVS storage" of Provisioner device, it is on the development plan and will be released in the near future
Hello there.

I'm having trouble finding the code that implements NVS storage of provisioning data. When I run the ble_mesh_node example, it loses its provisioning data when the device is powered off.

Could you please give us some guidelines on how to use this feature? Or will it be commited on github only when v0.6 is made avaliale to the public?

Thank you.

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Re: ESP BLE Mesh v0.5 Beta has been released

Postby chegewara » Thu Apr 25, 2019 9:51 pm

diogo.andrade wrote:
Wed Apr 24, 2019 2:36 pm
ESP_Island wrote:
Sun Nov 11, 2018 9:07 am
Ive been running ble mesh example for few minutes as for now and i have question. From menuconfig options i understand that esp32 should store all necessary data exchanged during provisioning like app key, IV etc, but now it seems not work. My question is: is it implemented now, will it be implemented or do we need to implement it in our app? No complaining, just asking.

ESP32 stores all necessary provisioning data like app key, IV etc, as you mentioned.

Currently, it doesn't store the data in NVS. So if you don't reboot the device, it should work finely. If it doesn't work on your side, could you tell us how to reproduce your issue?

BTW, for the "power-down memory" feature:
* We have finished the "NVS storage" of Mesh nodes and it will be released soon
* For the "NVS storage" of Provisioner device, it is on the development plan and will be released in the near future
Hello there.

I'm having trouble finding the code that implements NVS storage of provisioning data. When I run the ble_mesh_node example, it loses its provisioning data when the device is powered off.

Could you please give us some guidelines on how to use this feature? Or will it be commited on github only when v0.6 is made avaliale to the public?

Thank you.

Code: Select all

Currently, it doesn't store the data in NVS. So if you don't reboot the device, it should work finely.

Posts: 3
Joined: Wed Apr 24, 2019 2:30 pm

Re: ESP BLE Mesh v0.5 Beta has been released

Postby diogo.andrade » Fri Apr 26, 2019 11:54 am

chegewara wrote:
Thu Apr 25, 2019 9:51 pm
diogo.andrade wrote:
Wed Apr 24, 2019 2:36 pm
ESP_Island wrote:
Sun Nov 11, 2018 9:07 am

ESP32 stores all necessary provisioning data like app key, IV etc, as you mentioned.

Currently, it doesn't store the data in NVS. So if you don't reboot the device, it should work finely. If it doesn't work on your side, could you tell us how to reproduce your issue?

BTW, for the "power-down memory" feature:
* We have finished the "NVS storage" of Mesh nodes and it will be released soon
* For the "NVS storage" of Provisioner device, it is on the development plan and will be released in the near future
Hello there.

I'm having trouble finding the code that implements NVS storage of provisioning data. When I run the ble_mesh_node example, it loses its provisioning data when the device is powered off.

Could you please give us some guidelines on how to use this feature? Or will it be commited on github only when v0.6 is made avaliale to the public?

Thank you.

Code: Select all

Currently, it doesn't store the data in NVS. So if you don't reboot the device, it should work finely.
Hello! I was referring to this message:

Code: Select all

* We have finished the "NVS storage" of Mesh nodes and it will be released soon
Since it was posted on november/2018, I thought that it would be on the github branch by now. I have a little bit of urgency on this feature, so I'm considering developing it myself depending on the estimated date of this feature release to the general public.

Thanks again.

Posts: 36
Joined: Thu Jun 29, 2017 7:20 am

Re: ESP BLE Mesh v0.5 Beta has been released

Postby ESP_Island » Mon Apr 29, 2019 10:15 am

Hi, All

ESP BLE Mesh v0.6 (SIG certified) has been released, please refer to ESP BLE Mesh v0.6 Release Notes.
Posts: 13
Joined: Thu Feb 13, 2020 6:10 am

Re: ESP BLE Mesh v0.5 Beta has been released

Postby » Thu Mar 26, 2020 1:19 pm

esp_liu wrote:
Tue Feb 26, 2019 11:42 am
Christoph wrote:
Tue Feb 26, 2019 9:08 am
Thanks for the help to send and receive with the Generic OnOff server cliend model now works.

But I still have some questions:
where can i change the name of the ble device? Now all devices are called ESP-BLE-MESH

Can I also send and receive a string with the Generic OnOff model or which model would be usable for this?
You can use the API esp_ble_mesh_set_unprovisioned_device_name() to set the name of the device.
As per the Mesh Model spec, the Generic OnOff model doesn't support string. If you want to send/receive string, the best way is to define vendor client/server models, all the SIG-defined models have fixed-format messages.
您好我现在使用通用模型 setstate 发现 32发出的命令 node节点收不到 要重复发好几次 请问这是什么原因呢?

Posts: 35
Joined: Wed Nov 28, 2018 4:12 am

Re: ESP BLE Mesh v0.5 Beta has been released

Postby esp_liu » Fri Mar 27, 2020 1:30 am


1. Which idf branch did you use? And if convenient, please provide the commit id.
2. Did you run with the Generic OnOff (Client/Server) models within the ble_mesh_node example?
3. If convenient, please provide a simple demonstration of your test and the test log.

Posts: 13
Joined: Thu Feb 13, 2020 6:10 am

Re: ESP BLE Mesh v0.5 Beta has been released

Postby » Fri Mar 27, 2020 2:30 am

esp_liu wrote:
Fri Mar 27, 2020 1:30 am

1. Which idf branch did you use? And if convenient, please provide the commit id.
2. Did you run with the Generic OnOff (Client/Server) models within the ble_mesh_node example?
3. If convenient, please provide a simple demonstration of your test and the test log.

您好,我已经发现问题了,有个参数需要变化才可以 。 set_state.onoff_set.tid = msg_tid++;就是这个如果不变的话node不会接受到。
现在我遇到另一个问题。我试着在fastprovisioner 添加自定义的命令并在串口接到命令后发出此vendor mesh消息
example_fast_prov_info_set_t set = {0};
set.ctx_flags = 0x037F;
example_msg_common_info_t info = {
.net_idx = prov_key.net_idx,
.app_idx =prov_key.app_idx,
.dst = node->unicast,
.timeout = 0,
err = example_send_fast_prov_info_set(fast_prov_client.model, &info, &set);
if (err != ESP_OK) {
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "%s: Failed to set Fast Prov Info Set message", __func__);

] ff0100000155␍␊
[19:13:39:034] <0x1b>[0;32mI (60762) ble_mesh_provisioner: min: 0x0000, max: 0x0000<0x1b>[0m␍␊
[19:13:39:043] <0x1b>[0;32mI (60762) ble_mesh_provisioner: flags: 0x00, iv_index: 0x00000000<0x1b>[0m␍␊
[19:13:39:056] <0x1b>[0;32mI (60762) ble_mesh_provisioner: net_idx: 0x0000, group_addr: 0x0000<0x1b>[0m␍␊
[19:13:39:056] <0x1b>[0;32mI (60772) ble_mesh_provisioner: action: 0x00<0x1b>[0m␍␊
[19:13:39:074] dst-addr=0x0005,opcode= 0xe00211,data=0x<0xe0><0x11><0x02><0x7f><0x03><0x1b> //这是我发送的目标地址 和op
[0;32mI (60772) ble_mesh_provisioner: example_ble_mesh_custom_model_cb, error_code = 0x00, event = 0x01, addr: 0x0100, opcode: 0x0000<0x1b>[0m␍␊//这是callback 打印出来的
[19:13:39:074] <0x1b>[0;32mI (60792) ble_mesh_provisioner: ESP_BLE_MESH_MODEL_SEND_COMP_EVT, err_code 0<0x1b>[0m␍␊
并且node 也不会收到此消息,能麻烦您指点下吗 谢谢

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