How to include HX711 component library?

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How to include HX711 component library?

Postby SteaLTH_INSteaD » Sun Feb 16, 2020 4:33 am

I am having trouble including external component libraries. I was reading ... ystem.html - but still having trouble understanding all the file structures and flow.

I am trying to include HX711 library from

Can anyone help explain the process? I tried a few different methods and it doesn't seem to be working. I am using Visual Studio code with ESP-IDF extension

I did the following steps:
1. cd ~/myprojects/esp
2. git clone
3. Update makefile to include: "EXTRA_COMPONENT_DIRS := $(IDF_PATH)/esp-idf-lib/components"
4. #include "HX711.h" in my main.c file.

I also tried:
1. Adding the external component library with HX711 in the same directory as my main file, but still not working.

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Re: How to include HX711 component library?

Postby ESP_krzychb » Sun Feb 16, 2020 10:13 am

Hi SteaLTH_INSteaD,

Have you tried to build your project from command line to eliminate possible misconfiguration of Visual Studio code?

cd ~/esp/esp-idf
. ./

cd ~/myprojects/esp flash monitor

Here is a simple project that includes component from ... uple-basic.

Admittedly I have not tried it with with Visual Studio code, but it builds and runs correctly from command line.

EDIT: Please note to update "CMakeLists.txt" in your project, I realized you mentioned "makefile" which is for legacy GNU Make system.

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