ESP Bluetooth HFP Server

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Joined: Tue Dec 10, 2019 3:56 pm

ESP Bluetooth HFP Server

Postby searock35 » Tue Dec 10, 2019 4:22 pm

Good day,

I am working on a masker for those with hearing and stuttering disabilities and found that Bluetooth would be a great medium for wireless audio for the user, to minimize the amount of wires. I need to monitor a mic input and send a frequency to their earpiece without any wires. I assumed that the HFP profile could work, since most Bluetooth earphones online have adopted that profile and it allows bi-directional audio between two devices. Using HFP or HSP seemed to be the only way to do this; correct me I'm wrong.

The next decision I had to make was choosing a microprocessor, and the ESP32 seemed to be the obvious choice. However, there is currently no API for using the ESP32 as an HFP server, and I assume most headphones implement only the clientside portion of the HFP profile. Does this mean that I will have to struggle to create my own API or program to implement an HFP server? Is that even possible for a user not employed by Espressif? Could it be feasibly done within a year? I feel like I should know these things before I put in significant effort on something not really feasible or possible for me. I am only a computer engineering student so my experience is fairly limited, although I feel like I am getting a good grasp on Bluetooth.

Thanks for listening,

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