rudi ;-) wrote:..
Code: Select all
Fatal exception (9):
Code: Select all
// XXXXXXX.XXX ( blacked otherwise the surprise away )
T > Client from 35855<\r><\n>
T > read data success 430!<\r><\n>
S > GET /XXXXXXX.XXX HTTP/1.1<\r><\r><\n>
Connection: keep-alive<\r><\r><\n>
Cache-Control: max-age=0<\r><\r><\n>
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8<\r><\r><\n>
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 4.0.3; de-de; MID9742 Build/IML74K) AppleWebKit/534.30 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Safari/534.30<\r><\r><\n>
Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate<\r><\r><\n>
Accept-Language: de-DE, en-US<\r><\r><\n>
Accept-Charset: utf-8, iso-8859-1, utf-16, *;q=0.7<\r><\r><\n>
// *** INFO ***
// IDX of packets ( each 135* 1024 bytes ) = 138 240 bytes
// ....................last ( 135 ) was 172 bytes , total then 138.412 bytes
// the last packet was my mistake to read only 172 bytes from flash instead multiple of 1024 (512?, 256?,128?,64?,32?,16?,8? )
// read then in this test again 1024 and send only 172 bytes then to the connected client.
// will test next steps read less
0 heap: 69996 <\r><\n>
1 heap: 69996 <\r><\n>
2 heap: 71604 <\r><\n>
3 heap: 71604 <\r><\n>
4 heap: 71604 <\r><\n>
5 heap: 71604 <\r><\n>
6 heap: 71604 <\r><\n>
7 heap: 71604 <\r><\n>
8 heap: 71604 <\r><\n>
9 heap: 71604 <\r><\n>
10 heap: 71604 <\r><\n>
11 heap: 71628 <\r><\n>
12 heap: 71768 <\r><\n>
13 heap: 71768 <\r><\n>
14 heap: 71768 <\r><\n>
15 heap: 71768 <\r><\n>
16 heap: 71768 <\r><\n>
17 heap: 71768 <\r><\n>
18 heap: 71768 <\r><\n>
19 heap: 71768 <\r><\n>
20 heap: 71768 <\r><\n>
21 heap: 71768 <\r><\n>
22 heap: 71768 <\r><\n>
23 heap: 71768 <\r><\n>
24 heap: 71768 <\r><\n>
25 heap: 71768 <\r><\n>
26 heap: 71768 <\r><\n>
27 heap: 71768 <\r><\n>
28 heap: 71768 <\r><\n>
29 heap: 71768 <\r><\n>
30 heap: 71768 <\r><\n>
31 heap: 71768 <\r><\n>
32 heap: 71768 <\r><\n>
33 heap: 71768 <\r><\n>
34 heap: 71768 <\r><\n>
35 heap: 71768 <\r><\n>
36 heap: 71768 <\r><\n>
37 heap: 71768 <\r><\n>
38 heap: 71768 <\r><\n>
39 heap: 71768 <\r><\n>
40 heap: 71768 <\r><\n>
41 heap: 71768 <\r><\n>
42 heap: 71768 <\r><\n>
43 heap: 71768 <\r><\n>
44 heap: 71768 <\r><\n>
45 heap: 71768 <\r><\n>
46 heap: 71768 <\r><\n>
47 heap: 71768 <\r><\n>
48 heap: 71768 <\r><\n>
49 heap: 71768 <\r><\n>
50 heap: 71404 <\r><\n>
51 heap: 70688 <\r><\n>
52 heap: 70688 <\r><\n>
53 heap: 70688 <\r><\n>
54 heap: 70688 <\r><\n>
55 heap: 70688 <\r><\n>
56 heap: 70688 <\r><\n>
57 heap: 70688 <\r><\n>
58 heap: 70688 <\r><\n>
59 heap: 70688 <\r><\n>
60 heap: 70688 <\r><\n>
61 heap: 70688 <\r><\n>
62 heap: 70688 <\r><\n>
63 heap: 70688 <\r><\n>
64 heap: 70688 <\r><\n>
65 heap: 70688 <\r><\n>
66 heap: 70688 <\r><\n>
67 heap: 70688 <\r><\n>
68 heap: 70688 <\r><\n>
69 heap: 70688 <\r><\n>
70 heap: 70688 <\r><\n>
71 heap: 70688 <\r><\n>
72 heap: 70688 <\r><\n>
73 heap: 70688 <\r><\n>
74 heap: 70688 <\r><\n>
75 heap: 70688 <\r><\n>
76 heap: 70688 <\r><\n>
77 heap: 70688 <\r><\n>
78 heap: 70688 <\r><\n>
79 heap: 70688 <\r><\n>
80 heap: 70688 <\r><\n>
81 heap: 70688 <\r><\n>
82 heap: 70688 <\r><\n>
83 heap: 70688 <\r><\n>
84 heap: 70688 <\r><\n>
85 heap: 70688 <\r><\n>
86 heap: 70688 <\r><\n>
87 heap: 70688 <\r><\n>
88 heap: 70688 <\r><\n>
89 heap: 70688 <\r><\n>
90 heap: 70688 <\r><\n>
91 heap: 70688 <\r><\n>
92 heap: 70688 <\r><\n>
93 heap: 70688 <\r><\n>
94 heap: 70688 <\r><\n>
95 heap: 70688 <\r><\n>
96 heap: 70688 <\r><\n>
97 heap: 70688 <\r><\n>
98 heap: 70688 <\r><\n>
99 heap: 70688 <\r><\n>
100 heap: 70688 <\r><\n>
101 heap: 70544 <\r><\n>
102 heap: 70684 <\r><\n>
103 heap: 70684 <\r><\n>
104 heap: 70684 <\r><\n>
105 heap: 70684 <\r><\n>
106 heap: 70684 <\r><\n>
107 heap: 70684 <\r><\n>
108 heap: 70684 <\r><\n>
109 heap: 70684 <\r><\n>
110 heap: 70684 <\r><\n>
111 heap: 70684 <\r><\n>
112 heap: 70684 <\r><\n>
113 heap: 70684 <\r><\n>
114 heap: 70684 <\r><\n>
115 heap: 70684 <\r><\n>
116 heap: 70684 <\r><\n>
117 heap: 70684 <\r><\n>
118 heap: 70684 <\r><\n>
119 heap: 70684 <\r><\n>
120 heap: 70684 <\r><\n>
121 heap: 70684 <\r><\n>
122 heap: 70684 <\r><\n>
123 heap: 70684 <\r><\n>
124 heap: 70684 <\r><\n>
125 heap: 70684 <\r><\n>
126 heap: 70684 <\r><\n>
127 heap: 70684 <\r><\n>
128 heap: 70684 <\r><\n>
129 heap: 70684 <\r><\n>
130 heap: 70684 <\r><\n>
131 heap: 70684 <\r><\n>
132 heap: 70684 <\r><\n>
133 heap: 70684 <\r><\n>
134 heap: 70684 <\r><\n>
135 Heap: 70684 <\r><\n>
C > client disconnect!<\r><\n>
C > Happy New Year 2016!<\r><\n>
C > best wishes<\r><\n>
C > rudi ;-)<\r><\n>
T > wait client<\r><\n>
with debug found there was my own mistake to read from esp_flash right.
have the blocksize
run like a clockwork now
( now i must clear the code from DBG outputs )
but nevertheless, would help here to go next steps,
if we have infos how the wtd can feed.
lifted and carrying on shoulders
the SoC is a dream! is's unbelievably fast
best wishes!
( AppleWebKit )