I code in C so C++ may be a little different.
Also I am on linux so for others the COMMAND line will be different
Anyway I wanted a base timeline that was the absolute last build time every time I compiled
other methods give the last full compile time which can be quite old.
I also wanted it in UTC
The command line in linux that produces this value is
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date -u +%s
* Add this to projects CMakeLists.txt
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#define the build_time.c filename and path
set(BUILD_TIME_FILE "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/main/build_time.c")
# Ensure the file exists, otherwise generate an initial version
file(WRITE ${BUILD_TIME_FILE} "const unsigned int Build_time_unix = 0;\n")
# Custom target to generate build_time.c on each build
add_custom_target(generate_build_time ALL
COMMAND /bin/sh -c "echo 'const unsigned int Build_time_unix = '$(date -u +%s)';' > ${BUILD_TIME_FILE}"
COMMENT "Generating build_time.c with current UTC timestamp"
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idf_component_register(SRCS "build_time.c" .......)
add_dependencies(${COMPONENT_LIB} generate_build_time)
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extern const unsigned int Build_time_unix;
you can then simply go
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time_t built = (time_t) Build_time_unix;
Have fun.