Ble scaned MAC is 0 and cannot reconnect the power recycled bonded device

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Ble scaned MAC is 0 and cannot reconnect the power recycled bonded device

Postby rlin1788 » Fri Sep 27, 2024 2:53 pm

I used a esp32-c3-wroom as a client/master to pair and bond our ble sensor device as a preipheral/slave successfully. But after I power cycle the sensor device or move the sensor device out and in the range, the esp device scaned the sensor device's MAC is 00:00:00:00:00:00 and cannot reconnect with the sensor. The sensor can automatically reconnect with the bonded Android and iOS app without any issues.

I believed that this is a major bug or funtional defect of the esp32. I do not know how to report it to Espressif Systems' bug tracking and resolution system. Can anyone shed a light

The below is the successful/error log:

I (452) SEC_GATTC_DEMO: EVT 0, gattc if 3
E (452) SEC_GATTC_DEMO: GATTC Event: 0-----------------------

I (462) SEC_GATTC_DEMO: Scan start success
I (462) main_task: Returned from app_main()
I (4712) SEC_GATTC_DEMO: searched device: UPK-GE01��� , adv_name_len: 8
I (4712) SEC_GATTC_DEMO: --------- mnf data: FFFF0200 ---- mnf_data_len: 4 -----
I (4722) SEC_GATTC_DEMO: 19 10 00 00 00 20
I (4722) SEC_GATTC_DEMO: connect to the remote device.
I (4732) SEC_GATTC_DEMO: Stop scan successfully
I (5492) SEC_GATTC_DEMO: EVT 40, gattc if 3
E (5492) SEC_GATTC_DEMO: GATTC Event: 40-----------------------

I (5502) SEC_GATTC_DEMO: Bonded devices number zero

E (5502) SEC_GATTC_DEMO: ----conid:0, linkrole:0, addrtype:0---
E (5512) SEC_GATTC_DEMO: ----conn_params:20, 0,600---
I (5522) SEC_GATTC_DEMO: EVT 2, gattc if 3
E (5522) SEC_GATTC_DEMO: GATTC Event: 2-----------------------

I (5532) SEC_GATTC_DEMO: open success
I (5542) SEC_GATTC_DEMO: 19 10 00 00 00 20
E (7042) BT_SMP: Value for numeric comparison = 479264
I (7042) SEC_GATTC_DEMO: ESP_GAP_BLE_NC_REQ_EVT, the passkey Notify number:479264
I (7292) SEC_GATTC_DEMO: key type = ESP_LE_KEY_PID
I (7302) SEC_GATTC_DEMO: key type = ESP_LE_KEY_LENC
I (7302) SEC_GATTC_DEMO: key type = ESP_LE_KEY_PENC
I (7302) SEC_GATTC_DEMO: key type = ESP_LE_KEY_LID
E (7332) SEC_GATTC_DEMO: Gap ESP_GAP_BLE_AUTH_CMPL_EVT: 8-----------------------

I (7332) SEC_GATTC_DEMO: remote BD_ADDR: 191000000020
I (7342) SEC_GATTC_DEMO: address type = 0
I (7342) SEC_GATTC_DEMO: pair status = success
I (7442) SEC_GATTC_DEMO: EVT 46, gattc if 3
E (7442) SEC_GATTC_DEMO: GATTC Event: 46-----------------------

I (7492) SEC_GATTC_DEMO: EVT 18, gattc if 3
E (7492) SEC_GATTC_DEMO: GATTC Event: 18-----------------------

I (7492) SEC_GATTC_DEMO: ESP_GATTC_CFG_MTU_EVT, Status 0, MTU 200, conn_id 0
I (7502) SEC_GATTC_DEMO: EVT 7, gattc if 3
E (7512) SEC_GATTC_DEMO: GATTC Event: 7-----------------------

I (7512) SEC_GATTC_DEMO: SEARCH RES: conn_id = 0 is primary service 1
I (7522) SEC_GATTC_DEMO: start handle 43 end handle 55 current handle value 43
I (7532) SEC_GATTC_DEMO: UUID16: b7
I (7532) SEC_GATTC_DEMO: EVT 6, gattc if 3
E (7542) SEC_GATTC_DEMO: GATTC Event: 6-----------------------

I (7542) SEC_GATTC_DEMO: Get service information from remote device
I (7552) SEC_GATTC_DEMO: -----------get_service value: 1
I (7562) SEC_GATTC_DEMO: -----------get_service----------------
I (7562) SEC_GATTC_DEMO: -----len:16
I (7572) SEC_GATTC_DEMO: -----uuid:b8
I (7572) SEC_GATTC_DEMO: -----properties:16
I (7582) SEC_GATTC_DEMO: -----esp_ble_gattc_register_for_notify
I (7592) SEC_GATTC_DEMO: EVT 38, gattc if 3
E (7592) SEC_GATTC_DEMO: GATTC Event: 38-----------------------

I (7602) SEC_GATTC_DEMO: -----count: 2
I (7602) SEC_GATTC_DEMO: -----len: 2
I (7612) SEC_GATTC_DEMO: -----esp_ble_gattc_write_char_descr
I (7672) SEC_GATTC_DEMO: EVT 9, gattc if 3
E (7672) SEC_GATTC_DEMO: GATTC Event: 9-----------------------

I (7672) SEC_GATTC_DEMO: write descr success
I (13122) SEC_GATTC_DEMO: EVT 10, gattc if 3
E (13122) SEC_GATTC_DEMO: GATTC Event: 10-----------------------

I (13122) SEC_GATTC_DEMO: ESP_GATTC_NOTIFY_EVT, receive notify value:
I (13122) SEC_GATTC_DEMO: 23 54 68 79 20 61 63 74 69 76 65
I (13172) SEC_GATTC_DEMO: EVT 10, gattc if 3
E (13172) SEC_GATTC_DEMO: GATTC Event: 10-----------------------

I (13172) SEC_GATTC_DEMO: ESP_GATTC_NOTIFY_EVT, receive notify value:
I (13172) SEC_GATTC_DEMO: e6 00 fe 00 00 00 00 00 40 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
I (13182) SEC_GATTC_DEMO: 00 3c 43 05 f0 0d b7 46 42 ec 47 45 9b 2f 9f ae
I (13192) SEC_GATTC_DEMO: ee ad ff fb ed fa 0d f9 f5 aa de ff ad 8a b9 d7
I (13202) SEC_GATTC_DEMO: ab af 54 ff ff ed ef cb fd ef ff ef ff ec
I (13222) SEC_GATTC_DEMO: EVT 10, gattc if 3
E (13222) SEC_GATTC_DEMO: GATTC Event: 10-----------------------

I (13222) SEC_GATTC_DEMO: ESP_GATTC_NOTIFY_EVT, receive notify value:
I (13232) SEC_GATTC_DEMO: 23 52 65 6d 61 69 6e 20 74 69 6d 65 20 31 32 30
I (13232) SEC_GATTC_DEMO: 30 20 31
I (13242) SEC_GATTC_DEMO: EVT 10, gattc if 3
E (13242) SEC_GATTC_DEMO: GATTC Event: 10-----------------------

I (13252) SEC_GATTC_DEMO: ESP_GATTC_NOTIFY_EVT, receive notify value:
I (13262) SEC_GATTC_DEMO: 23 49 6e 74 65 6e 73 69 74 79 20 31
I (13262) SEC_GATTC_DEMO: EVT 10, gattc if 3
E (13272) SEC_GATTC_DEMO: GATTC Event: 10-----------------------

I (13272) SEC_GATTC_DEMO: ESP_GATTC_NOTIFY_EVT, receive notify value:
I (13282) SEC_GATTC_DEMO: 23 42 61 74 74 65 72 79 20 6c 65 76 65 6c 20 35
I (13292) SEC_GATTC_DEMO: EVT 10, gattc if 3
E (13292) SEC_GATTC_DEMO: GATTC Event: 10-----------------------

I (13302) SEC_GATTC_DEMO: ESP_GATTC_NOTIFY_EVT, receive notify value:
I (13312) SEC_GATTC_DEMO: 23 44 61 74 20 31 20 34 20 36 20 31
I (13312) SEC_GATTC_DEMO: EVT 10, gattc if 3
E (13322) SEC_GATTC_DEMO: GATTC Event: 10-----------------------

I (13332) SEC_GATTC_DEMO: ESP_GATTC_NOTIFY_EVT, receive notify value:
I (13332) SEC_GATTC_DEMO: ee 00 fe 00 fe 00 fd 00 fe 00 fe 00 fe 00
I (13442) SEC_GATTC_DEMO: EVT 10, gattc if 3
E (13442) SEC_GATTC_DEMO: GATTC Event: 10-----------------------

I (13442) SEC_GATTC_DEMO: ESP_GATTC_NOTIFY_EVT, receive notify value:
I (13452) SEC_GATTC_DEMO: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 10 00 00 00 00
I (13462) SEC_GATTC_DEMO: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 34 c5 c6 65 4b 4c
I (13462) SEC_GATTC_DEMO: cb 6d ec d6 ef db 4a 00 f6 80 cd 50 00 f9 a7 dc
I (13472) SEC_GATTC_DEMO: 7f c4 de c4 7e ec 2f a7 d1 3a 7a 97 ee fc 4f f5
I (13482) SEC_GATTC_DEMO: ef ef ef ff
I (13542) SEC_GATTC_DEMO: EVT 10, gattc if 3
E (13542) SEC_GATTC_DEMO: GATTC Event: 10-----------------------

I (13542) SEC_GATTC_DEMO: ESP_GATTC_NOTIFY_EVT, receive notify value:
I (13552) SEC_GATTC_DEMO: ee
I (13572) SEC_GATTC_DEMO: EVT 10, gattc if 3
E (13572) SEC_GATTC_DEMO: GATTC Event: 10-----------------------

I (13572) SEC_GATTC_DEMO: ESP_GATTC_NOTIFY_EVT, receive notify value:
I (13572) SEC_GATTC_DEMO: 00 fe
I (13622) SEC_GATTC_DEMO: EVT 10, gattc if 3
E (13622) SEC_GATTC_DEMO: GATTC Event: 10-----------------------

I (13622) SEC_GATTC_DEMO: ESP_GATTC_NOTIFY_EVT, receive notify value:
I (13622) SEC_GATTC_DEMO: 00
I (13632) SEC_GATTC_DEMO: EVT 10, gattc if 3
E (13632) SEC_GATTC_DEMO: GATTC Event: 10-----------------------

I (13642) SEC_GATTC_DEMO: ESP_GATTC_NOTIFY_EVT, receive notify value:
I (13652) SEC_GATTC_DEMO: 23 45 6e 64
I (13822) SEC_GATTC_DEMO: EVT 10, gattc if 3
E (13822) SEC_GATTC_DEMO: GATTC Event: 10-----------------------

I (13822) SEC_GATTC_DEMO: ESP_GATTC_NOTIFY_EVT, receive notify value:
I (13822) SEC_GATTC_DEMO: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
I (13832) SEC_GATTC_DEMO: 00 00 00 00 00 80 00 21 00 00 00 08 20 80 03 00
I (13842) SEC_GATTC_DEMO: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
I (13852) SEC_GATTC_DEMO: 00 00 00 00 00 80 00 00 a0 ef ff 2e 00 ff a8 ff
I (13852) SEC_GATTC_DEMO: e7 c5 f5 57 e7 ea e6 ff fd ef
I (21132) SEC_GATTC_DEMO: EVT 10, gattc if 3
E (21132) SEC_GATTC_DEMO: GATTC Event: 10-----------------------

I (21132) SEC_GATTC_DEMO: ESP_GATTC_NOTIFY_EVT, receive notify value:
I (21142) SEC_GATTC_DEMO: 23 49 6e 74 65 6e 73 69 74 79 20 32
I (28952) SEC_GATTC_DEMO: EVT 10, gattc if 3
E (28952) SEC_GATTC_DEMO: GATTC Event: 10-----------------------

I (28952) SEC_GATTC_DEMO: ESP_GATTC_NOTIFY_EVT, receive notify value:
I (28962) SEC_GATTC_DEMO: 23 49 6e 74 65 6e 73 69 74 79 20 33
I (36652) SEC_GATTC_DEMO: EVT 10, gattc if 3
E (36652) SEC_GATTC_DEMO: GATTC Event: 10-----------------------

I (36652) SEC_GATTC_DEMO: ESP_GATTC_NOTIFY_EVT, receive notify value:
I (36662) SEC_GATTC_DEMO: 23 49 6e 74 65 6e 73 69 74 79 20 34
I (42472) SEC_GATTC_DEMO: EVT 10, gattc if 3
E (42472) SEC_GATTC_DEMO: GATTC Event: 10-----------------------

I (42472) SEC_GATTC_DEMO: ESP_GATTC_NOTIFY_EVT, receive notify value:
I (42482) SEC_GATTC_DEMO: 23 49 6e 74 65 6e 73 69 74 79 20 33
I (43972) SEC_GATTC_DEMO: EVT 10, gattc if 3
E (43972) SEC_GATTC_DEMO: GATTC Event: 10-----------------------

I (43972) SEC_GATTC_DEMO: ESP_GATTC_NOTIFY_EVT, receive notify value:
I (43982) SEC_GATTC_DEMO: 23 49 6e 74 65 6e 73 69 74 79 20 32
I (60872) SEC_GATTC_DEMO: EVT 10, gattc if 3
E (60872) SEC_GATTC_DEMO: GATTC Event: 10-----------------------

I (60872) SEC_GATTC_DEMO: ESP_GATTC_NOTIFY_EVT, receive notify value:
I (60882) SEC_GATTC_DEMO: 44 65 76 69 63 65 20 6f 66 66
W (63392) BT_APPL: gattc_conn_cb: if=3 st=0 id=3 rsn=0x8
W (63392) BT_HCI: hcif disc complete: hdl 0x1, rsn 0x8
I (63392) SEC_GATTC_DEMO: EVT 41, gattc if 3
E (63402) SEC_GATTC_DEMO: GATTC Event: 41-----------------------

I (63412) SEC_GATTC_DEMO: EVT 5, gattc if 3
E (63412) SEC_GATTC_DEMO: GATTC Event: 5-----------------------

I (63422) SEC_GATTC_DEMO: Scan start success
I (70122) SEC_GATTC_DEMO: 00 00 00 00 00 00
I (72192) SEC_GATTC_DEMO: 00 00 00 00 00 00
I (72892) SEC_GATTC_DEMO: 00 00 00 00 00 00
I (74272) SEC_GATTC_DEMO: 00 00 00 00 00 00

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