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ESP32-H2 powered by LiFePo4 battery

Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2025 8:30 am
by tomino_i
Hello guys,
I'm using ESP32-H2 and I wanted to power this up with LifePo4 battery (32700). Unfortunately I'm not able to power ESP32H2 up.
I connected "+" to 3V3 and "-" to GND pin and nothing happens. Battery has been charged to full capacity and voltmeter shows me around 3.44V.
Also I've tried one of my ESPs, which was connected to USB cable, connect to battery together, and actually it's not visible in my Linux machine after connecting via USB cable.. Flashing tool shows me: "Could not open /dev/ttyACM0, the port is busy or doesn't exist."
Dmesg shows no action after plugin this one.

So my questions are:
1. Am I doing anything wrong? Or how can I use battery which is connected to ESP32H2 directly?
2. That connecting USB cable + battery to 3v3 was wrong, is it possible that the one ESP32H2 is dead?

Thx for answers..

EDIT: here are the links to ESP32-H2 supermicro: ... 1802J4Q3qv
and baterry: ... 1802J4Q3qv

Re: ESP32-H2 powered by LiFePo4 battery

Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2025 1:04 am
by mikemoy
I connected "+" to 3V3 and "-" to GND pin and nothing happens. Battery has been charged to full capacity and voltmeter shows me around 3.44V.
Why would you connect a higher voltage to a 3.3v supply pin ?

Re: ESP32-H2 powered by LiFePo4 battery

Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2025 6:31 pm
by tomino_i
Because full charged LiFePo4 battery has around 3.5V and when it's nearly empty it has around 3.2V, so the best solution for power supply ESP32-H2, which is suitable from 3.1V to 3.5V I think.

Re: ESP32-H2 powered by LiFePo4 battery

Posted: Sat Feb 08, 2025 3:37 pm
by tomino_i
It's working now.
I found out, that INPUT for battery should be on 5V (+) and GND (-) pins. Also another problem was, that after flashing HA_on_off_light example I had to push BOOT and then RESET button, unplug BAT and plugin it back.
Then HomeAssistant finds ESP32H2 module and LED started to work.