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ESP32-C6 Pin Selection Support

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2023 6:17 am
by dovov97815

As, ESP32-C6 is new, we didn't find more information about pinout selection,

We are using ESP32-C6-WROOM1 Module in our Project.

We have a query regarding using Strapping Pins.

1) As per the Modules's Datasheet,
MTMS : Floating
MTDI : Floating
GPIO8 : Floating
GPIO9 : Pull-up
GPIO15 : Floating
at Default Configuration.

So, Except GPIO9 pin all strapping Pins are showing Floating. So, at those pins which external Resistor should be use (Pull up or Pull down) and which value it should be?

Thank You

Re: ESP32-C6 Pin Selection Support

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2023 6:52 am
by ESP_Sprite
That's documented in the datasheet. For normal use you only should need to worry about GPIO8 and GPIO9; all the other bootstrap pins don't apply and can be at any level.

Re: ESP32-C6 Pin Selection Support

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2023 6:54 am
Hello, I think in the module datasheet, 3.3 strapping pins, you could see not only which are strapping pins and also how some modes are controller by them. E.G. Table 6 is boot mode control, it says when GPIO8 is high and GPIO9 is low, C6 will enter into download mode. So you are suggested to add a pull-up at GPIO8 and a test point at GPIO9.