ESP32 DevKit based on Wrover-E cannot use SDIO
Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2022 6:52 pm
Hey guys,
So i'm in a bit of a bummer here, I have troubles working out how to connect an SD card in native sdio 4-lines to my devkit. I followed the Arduino example which suggests the following pin connections :
I followed this up but keep getting weird errors, either send_scr returned 0xffffffff or send_scr (1) returned 0x109. I would play with the pullups (having them for some lines or not) and that would either give the first or the second. I also flashed the e-fuse for 3.3V to avoid the conflict with GPIO2 used as MTDI bootstrapping. I don't know what else i'm missing, having the pullups on all the lines doesn't work on some of them either i'm a bit confused here, any insight ?
Thanks !
So i'm in a bit of a bummer here, I have troubles working out how to connect an SD card in native sdio 4-lines to my devkit. I followed the Arduino example which suggests the following pin connections :
Code: Select all
* Connect the SD card to the following pins:
* SD Card | ESP32
* D2 12
* D3 13
* CMD 15
* VDD 3.3V
* CLK 14
* D0 2 (add 1K pull up after flashing)
* D1 4
Thanks !