Node MCU ESP-32S V1.1 Dev board

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Node MCU ESP-32S V1.1 Dev board

Postby wattwenger » Mon Jul 29, 2019 12:31 pm

Very new here so please excuse me if I'm posting something wrong.
I have a Node MCU ESP-32S V1.1 Dev board and have set it up to measure my solar array and battery voltage with the appropriate voltage dividers. The information is gathered and sent to my local influx data base.
It works great except when the temperature in the plant (shed) gets above 93°F (33°C) the readings to my voltages go ballistic.
Instead of 60V i am getting readings of 80V on my main battery and my supplemental battery instead of 14V I am getting 38V.
Not to mention the solar array voltages, they are basically of the charts.
Oh by the way I have an atmospheric monitor on an ESP8266 that seems to work fine.
Once the plant temperature gets below 90°F (32°C) the readings go back to normal.
Anyone experienced this before and is there a solution?
Picture attached.
As you can see from around 12:00 noon to about 18:20 the voltages of everything is screwed.Then goes back to normal.
Not sure if the image posted right so here is the link ... yKCG9WdKgn

Thanks for any help


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Re: Node MCU ESP-32S V1.1 Dev board

Postby wattwenger » Wed Jul 31, 2019 5:18 pm

Found my own answer.
Uploaded the sketch to another ESP32 and plugged it in and all is OK.
100°F and no problems.
Guess the original board had heat stroke ;)


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