current peaks during deepsleep

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current peaks during deepsleep

Postby grzegorz_kr » Wed Apr 13, 2022 3:41 pm

I've been using esp32-wroom-32D modules in various projects for quite a while, but only recently started a project where the esp32 is battery powered and low power consumption is of the greatest importance.
And I am very disappointed. Even in deep sleep mode, there are cyclical increases of current consumption. Please take a look at the attached graph which shows the actual consumption of bare-bones esp32-wroom-32D with the TouchWakeUp example running (in the Arduino IDE -> File-> Examples-> ESP32-> DeepSleep-> TouchWakeUp).
TouchWakeupCurrent.png (39.75 KiB) Viewed 2459 times
The bottom line of the graph is around 6-7uA which is good and as per spec, but there are pulses up to 200uA every 4-5 seconds. (remember: it's all in deep sleep mode)

What could be causing these impulses and how do I get rid of them?

In my real project where I use esp-now for communication and where I observe similar behavior during deep sleep I use:
adc_power_off ();
Wi-Fi. Disconnect (true); // Disconnect from the network
WiFi mode (WIFI_OFF); // Disable Wi-Fi
btStop ();
esp_bt_controller_disable ();
(as suggested in various posts found on the internet) just before going to sleep, but this has no effect on the spike suppression.

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Re: current peaks during deepsleep

Postby WiFive » Wed Apr 13, 2022 9:56 pm

The touch controller will use power during its periodic cycle. It should not happen with a button.

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