Hi All
After a whole day yesterday of debugging finally got my code to run and connect to an Android via BT, so around 3pm I decided to leave on soak test overnight. In the morning IT had died. IT is a esp32 Wroom32U with an FTDI serial on my own board. In various versions Ive had the same basic version board working for over a year working. The change was a re layout to add some additional sensor circuitry and placement issues.
it started out with the serial monitor on the FTDI reporting
flash read err, 1000
ets_main.c 371
ets Jun 8 2016 00:22:57
So checked forum, lots of useful ideas, tried some of the easier to implement suggestion like slow spi and baudrate. I also upgraded esptools to V3.0. This hasn't changed anything!! So someone is bound to suggest try an earlier board. I did and that's the same!! I also have an old devkit C and tried that. By pressing BOOT and releasing at right time that DID work! I had fitted 4.7uF to my enable pin which is supposed to fix the holding boot low, but I even put a switch on IO0 but that didn't work. My old board had a LED to ground ( and that does flash when trying to program. My new board doesn't have a LED fitted. there is a LED on IO12, and a few inches of track going to a socket.
I don't get how its screwed itself up overnight. I have tried rebooting PC , closing IDE etc. Anybody got any ides on how to fix this, or at least what to look for as its driving me nuts!!
I just realise that I did have this problem on an earlier board
I put this down to a power spike, replaced the module and all seemed to be well, but obviously not. anyone got any ideas on how I can find out what's happening, if its hardware or software?
Still crashing after a time
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