Upload code without pressing EN and Boot buttons

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Re: Upload code without pressing EN and Boot buttons

Postby MCUism » Mon May 04, 2020 4:57 pm

username wrote:
Mon May 04, 2020 1:06 pm
OK, great you have one. You do not need to press the buttons to get it into flash mode. If you do there is something wrong. There are many knock-offs out there that there is a issue with the timing on the GPIO0 signal which forces you do press the buttons.

The real legitimate boards that are not cheap china clones work just fine without pressing the buttons.
The Serial IC on the board have 2 extra pins routed to 2 transistors to toggle the EN and GPIO0 pins when it receives the signal from USB that it needs to be put into flashing mode.
That's great....yeah I've seen that transistors are connected to IO0 and EN pin.

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Re: Upload code without pressing EN and Boot buttons

Postby MCUism » Mon May 04, 2020 5:55 pm

username wrote:
Mon May 04, 2020 12:46 pm
Absolutely it will work. Don't you have one of those kits? Or any of the others ones like it? IF not buy one and you will see for yourself.

You do not need to push those buttons to set it up for flash mode.
Hey username, Is this the same for the ESP8266 modules too?

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Re: Upload code without pressing EN and Boot buttons

Postby username » Tue May 05, 2020 1:32 am

I never used a ESP8266. Just head over to espressif web site and download the schematic for it to see.

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Re: Upload code without pressing EN and Boot buttons

Postby bionicbone » Tue Dec 15, 2020 4:05 pm

I've never had to bother with any of the above on the boards I have that will not program without pressing the boot button.

Instead I have just used a 0.1uf capacitor across the EN and 3.3v pin, normally next to each other.

I did discover this by accident when considering what if I hold Reset Pin positive on reboot for a split second, maybe someone could confirm - good or bad idea ?

It seems to work with all the boards I've used, and does not seem to effect those boards that dont need the boot button pressing, as such I always just added the 0.1uf Cap as a matter of course and can then always program from USB.

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Re: Upload code without pressing EN and Boot buttons

Postby Spile2 » Tue Dec 15, 2020 9:18 pm

I can recommend ElegantOTA and AElegantOTA

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