Custom ESP32 Pico board fails to go to programming mode using auto reset

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Custom ESP32 Pico board fails to go to programming mode using auto reset

Postby frippe75 » Sat Jun 06, 2020 5:35 am


Built a couple of boards using the ESP32-WROOM-32D. Now I'm using the PiCO version with a new layout and also choose new NPN transistors in a smaller package to make the autoreset circuit smaller.

Made a good decisions to keep the buttons on there just in case.

So I can use the buttons to get it to go to programming mode. But it wont autoreset into it.

My trace of the GPIO and RESET signals looks fine to me... Lost the scale but the reset signal i 100ms long and GPIO is low for at least 60ms after RESET goes high again...

Any hints??

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