I need to attach a few slave devices to the SPI master on an ESP32-S3. I am reading the documentation at: https://docs.espressif.com/projects/esp ... aster.html
At the top of the page, it says "SPI2 has 6 CS lines. SPI3 has 3 CS lines." So I imagine I can add up to 6 devices to the SPI2 controller.
But under the spi_bus_add_device function, it says "All SPI master devices have three CS pins and can thus control up to three devices."
I am confused: is the maximum 3 or 6 for SPI2?
In my code everything works fine up to 3 devices. When I add the fourth, I get ESP_ERR_NO_MEM at the spi_bus_add_device call. Technically, I should get ESP_ERR_NOT_FOUND if the 4th device were not allowed.
Is there any way to attach 4 or 5 devices to one SPI controller and get no error?
max devices per SPI controller
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