ESP32 Arduino 2.0.2 Release

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ESP32 Arduino 2.0.2 Release

Postby ESP_Bart » Thu Dec 23, 2021 2:54 pm

The Arduino ESP32 version 2.0.2 based on the ESP-IDF v4.4-beta1 includes mainly peripheral APIs refactoring, improvements and bug fixes.

Here is a summary of the major changes.

Peripherals refactored to use ESP-IDF APIs:



Boards added and some updated (TTGO-LoRa32, Adafruit boards, DPU ESP32...)
Added Sonoff DUALR3 support with RainMaker example
GPIO defines for C3 added
Github CLI workflow updates
Added support to change LoopTask Stack size
New Documentation added (USB, GPIO, Arduino as component)


I2C Clock stretching
SD card status check
Baudrate with CPU Freq < 80MHz
SetCpuFrequencyMhz() changes Serial bauds if frequency<80Mhz
Lib Builder compiling errors
WiFiSecureClient memory leaks when SSL/TLS connection fails
Change default WiFi STA encryption to WIFI_AUTH_WPA2_PSK
Forces UART Flush() to wait until all bits are sent

See all bug fixes in the full release notes here.

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