Search found 32 matches

by brebisson
Fri Mar 07, 2025 10:25 pm
Forum: Hardware
Topic: esp32c3 pin 20/21 disable bootload and startup chatter
Replies: 0
Views: 156

esp32c3 pin 20/21 disable bootload and startup chatter

Hello, I am using an esp32c3 super mini board. I have some external stuff connected on pins 20 and 21... Unfortunately, it looks like there is some chatter there at boot time, and/or when I connect the esp to the USB... Is there a way to disable these other peripherals using these pins (what is usin...
by brebisson
Tue Jan 28, 2025 8:51 am
Forum: ESP-IDF
Topic: Fast IO pin toggle with WiFi seems to cause issues
Replies: 16
Views: 5534

Re: Fast IO pin toggle with WiFi seems to cause issues

Hello, Yes, it is for a stepper The 2 requirements are: - The pulses duration (both 0 and 1 parts) will need to vary over time (slow, at first, getting shorter, a steady phase (short) and a slow down). - I need to "program" an exact number of pulses A typical pulse sequence might have around 640000 ...
by brebisson
Mon Jan 27, 2025 4:14 pm
Forum: ESP-IDF
Topic: Fast IO pin toggle with WiFi seems to cause issues
Replies: 16
Views: 5534

Re: Fast IO pin toggle with WiFi seems to cause issues

Hello, I'll be darned! I was certain that it was a dual core :-( Ok, back to planning. What is wrong with using the SPI to send a pulse which can be of variable size? They are 3 phases to any movements. Acceleration phase, regular speed and deceleration... With a SPI speed equal to 4 times my max sp...
by brebisson
Mon Jan 27, 2025 2:32 pm
Forum: ESP-IDF
Topic: Fast IO pin toggle with WiFi seems to cause issues
Replies: 16
Views: 5534

Re: Fast IO pin toggle with WiFi seems to cause issues

Hello, ok, I have tried to pin my task to core 1... But this does not seem to work! I get a crash with the following error: xTaskCreatePinnedToCore(HWTask, "HWTask", 2048, nullptr, 2, nullptr, 1); << DOES NOT WORK xTaskCreatePinnedToCore(HWTask, "HWTask", 2048, nullptr, 2, nullptr, 0); << WORK!!! I ...
by brebisson
Mon Jan 27, 2025 2:06 pm
Forum: ESP-IDF
Topic: Fast IO pin toggle with WiFi seems to cause issues
Replies: 16
Views: 5534

Re: Fast IO pin toggle with WiFi seems to cause issues

Hello, With regard to creating tasks pined to core... This is something that I know prety much nothing about. Could you help me, give me some pointers? As far as I understand the usual way to work on the esp32 is for core 0 to handle the "system stuff", which includes the wifi handling while core 1 ...
by brebisson
Sun Jan 26, 2025 9:01 pm
Forum: ESP-IDF
Topic: Fast IO pin toggle with WiFi seems to cause issues
Replies: 16
Views: 5534

Re: Fast IO pin toggle with WiFi seems to cause issues

Hello, > You may want to stop the timer/alarm when&while pos==dst, which may significantly reduce system load. ok, easy, can do.... > Allocating the timer+interrupt on the APP CPU may also reduce interference with WiFi. Can you help me understand this? How would I do that? How do I know what is runn...
by brebisson
Sun Jan 26, 2025 2:29 pm
Forum: ESP-IDF
Topic: Fast IO pin toggle with WiFi seems to cause issues
Replies: 16
Views: 5534

Fast IO pin toggle with WiFi seems to cause issues

Hello, In my project, I need to toggle an IO pin at speeds up to 20khz, while the wifi is running... I have setup a 50µs clock using a GP timer (see code bellow), and in the IRQ routine, I will set/clear the pin as needed... However, adding this in my code make the Wifi unreliable.... The IRQ code i...
by brebisson
Wed Jan 22, 2025 3:48 pm
Forum: ESP32 Arduino
Topic: Arduino ide configuration for ESP32C3 with LCD board
Replies: 3
Views: 1731

Re: Arduino ide configuration for ESP32C3 with LCD board

Hello, Which pins are used by the Wifi? At this point in time, I am using the Arduino Wifi example which does not interract with any HW (other than Wifi), so if there is a conflict, it is not due to me :-( Note that the exact same code, compiled with the exact same options, when sent to a ESP32C3 su...
by brebisson
Wed Jan 22, 2025 12:51 pm
Forum: ESP32 Arduino
Topic: Arduino ide configuration for ESP32C3 with LCD board
Replies: 3
Views: 1731

Arduino ide configuration for ESP32C3 with LCD board

Hello, I am using one of the ESP32C3 based boards with the build in 0.42" OLED display... ( ) But I am unable to get any wifi working. Using the Arduino WiFiClient example, I am able to successfully connect using a "ESP32C3 super mini board" (a bo...
by brebisson
Tue Jan 21, 2025 1:04 pm
Forum: ESP-IDF
Topic: dangerous relocation: l32r: literal placed after use
Replies: 3
Views: 806

Re: dangerous relocation: l32r: literal placed after use


Yes, it is an IRAM_ATTR function.

I tried adding: idf_build_set_property(COMPILE_OPTIONS "-mtext-section-literals" APPEND)
in mymakefile, But it did not work...

It first seemed to work.. But then it did not compile on 2nd test!

No clue why:-(
