Search found 17 matches

by ephone0
Sat Jun 17, 2023 12:21 am
Forum: ESP-AT 中文讨论版
Topic: ESP32C3使用httpcpost的request很慢
Replies: 5
Views: 7039

Re: ESP32C3使用httpcpost的request很慢

我發現我目前使用的韌體版本不是最新的, 我升級到最新的版本, 指令就正常了, 謝謝你.
by ephone0
Sat Jun 17, 2023 12:10 am
Forum: ESP-AT 中文讨论版
Topic: ESP32C3使用httpcpost的request很慢
Replies: 5
Views: 7039

Re: ESP32C3使用httpcpost的request很慢

你好ESP_Sun: 謝謝你的回答, 我依照你的建議 我改變了指令, C3 開發版回了OK 但是 我看了一下 網路內容, Content-Type 似乎沒有改變. screen1.png screen2.png 以下是我用AT+GMR 得到的版本資訊. AT version: - ESP32C3 - Jun 18 2021 10:23:57) SDK version:v4.3-beta3-195-g6be10fa compile time(c16e015):Jun 18 2021 12:56:35 Bin version:2.2.0(MINI-1) 請問您是否有其...
by ephone0
Fri Jun 16, 2023 8:37 am
Forum: ESP-AT 中文讨论版
Topic: ESP32C3使用httpcpost的request很慢
Replies: 5
Views: 7039

Re: ESP32C3使用httpcpost的request很慢

你好: 想請問multipart/form-data 這個content type 指令該怎麼下. 根據官方說明 AT+HTTPCPOST=<"url">,<length>[,<http_req_header_cnt>][,<http_req_header>..<http_req_header>] 我如果只下 AT+HTTPCPOST="",10 我看到Content-Type: text/xml\r\n 而我如果用下面的方式 AT+HTTPCPOST="",10,1,"multipart/form-data" 會得到...
by ephone0
Sat Dec 10, 2022 3:09 am
Forum: ESP-IDF
Topic: [Solved]How to build "esp-protocols" package for idf v5.0
Replies: 4
Views: 3123

Re: How to build "esp-protocols" package for idf v5.0

Dear ESP_Mahavir: Thanks for advising, finally I built the example successfully. The steps are as below. 1. Execute Eclipse 2. File->New->Espressif IDF Project to create a empty ESP32 project and name project to mdns 3. At this moment, "Install ESP-IDF components." does not show after the mouse righ...
by ephone0
Wed Dec 07, 2022 9:20 am
Forum: ESP-IDF
Topic: [Solved]How to build "esp-protocols" package for idf v5.0
Replies: 4
Views: 3123

Re: How to build "esp-protocols" package for idf v5.0

Dear ESP_Mahavir: Thank you very very much to reply to me, I see the URL your mentioned before I pose this question. But I'm confused, For v4.4.3, I can use eclipse (new->New Project->ESP IDF Project->from ESP IDF template) to open a ESP32S3 project, because mdns example already exists in the templa...
by ephone0
Tue Dec 06, 2022 12:32 am
Forum: ESP-IDF
Topic: [Solved]How to build "esp-protocols" package for idf v5.0
Replies: 4
Views: 3123

[Solved]How to build "esp-protocols" package for idf v5.0

Dear Sirs: The MDNS is isolated for idf v5.0 and hence I downloaded the esp-protocols from for mdns. but, I don't know how to correctly use the package, I always get fail when I use eclipse to build it. Could anyone tell me how to correctly use esp-protocol...
by ephone0
Mon Dec 05, 2022 8:54 am
Forum: ESP-IDF 中文讨论版
Topic: 請教如何在 esp idf 5.0 上 跑esp-protocols上的範例檔
Replies: 0
Views: 1023

請教如何在 esp idf 5.0 上 跑esp-protocols上的範例檔

各位好: 想請教 我該如何安裝esp-protocols( 擴充包, 翻了裡面的readme 文件, 我都找不到 我試著將 esp-protocols\components 跟 common_components 複製到 安裝的C:\Espressif\frameworks\esp-idf-v5.0 裡面, 然後將esp-protocols\components\mdns\examples 複製到 C:\Espressif\frameworks\esp-idf-v5.0\example 裡面, 雖然這樣用ec...
by ephone0
Mon Nov 07, 2022 9:12 am
Forum: 《ESP32-C3 物联网工程开发实战》书籍讨论版
Topic: [MQTT]無法找到Page 203 頁的MQTT 一樣的sample code.
Replies: 2
Views: 2049

[MQTT]無法找到Page 203 頁的MQTT 一樣的sample code.

我去idf github 找了 所有的 4.x版 mqtt/tcp, 似乎找不到跟書中一樣的 code,
書上面的是 esp_mqtt_client_subscribe(client, "/topic/test", 0);

我也抓下了book-esp32c3-iot-projects-main 整包.

但我找了所有的sample code 都是以下這一段
esp_mqtt_client_publish(client, "/topic/qos1", "data_3", 0, 1, 0);


by ephone0
Fri Nov 04, 2022 8:51 am
Forum: ESP-IDF
Topic: [MDNS] ESP32s3 cannot get IP information after invoke check_button()
Replies: 2
Views: 2531

Re: [MDNS] ESP32s3 cannot get IP information after invoke check_button()

I found a strange point, In usually, muliticast MAC should 01:00:5E:00:00:FB(for IPv4)or 33:33:00:00:00:FB(for IPv6), I see the MAC is f4:28:16:98:1a(My PC sniffer interface) that is a unicast MAC address so device sholud drop the packet in L2 layer. But it's sample code problem, is it a bug? or I h...