Search found 5 matches

by AyubowanPro
Thu May 16, 2024 8:31 am
Forum: ESP32 Arduino
Topic: Example to use ESP32-S3 as MSC with SDIO SD card
Replies: 7
Views: 5318

Re: Example to use ESP32-S3 as MSC with SDIO SD card

I'm also interested in doing the same (connect sd card as USB mass storage with ESP32-S3 with Arduino framework). If you succeded in doing it, please tell us :D
by AyubowanPro
Wed Aug 03, 2022 9:23 am
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: CPU frequency under 80Mhz
Replies: 1
Views: 2475

CPU frequency under 80Mhz

Hello, I would like to set the CPU frequency of my ESP32 custom board under 80Mhz for lowering power consumption. I'm using the PlatformIO IDE with Arduino framework. I tried the setCpuFrequencyMhz() function but getCpuFrequencyMhz() always returns 240Mhz whatever I set with setCpuFrequencyMhz() . B...
by AyubowanPro
Mon Jul 18, 2022 1:51 pm
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Pairing with ESPNOW
Replies: 0
Views: 888

Pairing with ESPNOW

Hello, I am new to ESPNOW and I don't now which configuration to choose. Here is my setup: There are receiver "a" and sender "A", receiver "b" and sender "B". Every senders must be able to connect to every receivers. But when a sender is connected to a receiver, the receiver must reject any connecti...
by AyubowanPro
Mon Jun 20, 2022 7:19 pm
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Can't upload firmware on ESP32-WROOM-32UE with CP2102N
Replies: 1
Views: 1848

Can't upload firmware on ESP32-WROOM-32UE with CP2102N

Hello, I designed a custom ESP32 board with a CP2102N bridge (schematic attached). I'm using an ESP32-WROOM-32UE. My schematic is based on the ESP32-Devkitc-V4 board from Espressif (schematic attached). When I plug the board to my computer (with VCC connected to a 7.2V power supply), the CP2102N is ...
by AyubowanPro
Fri Nov 26, 2021 4:55 pm
Forum: ESP32 Arduino
Topic: Bad connection bewteen BLE controller and ESP32
Replies: 0
Views: 11390

Bad connection bewteen BLE controller and ESP32

Hello, I'm using a BLE controller to control my ESP32. I'm using this library: . I modified the file FreeRTOS.cpp of the ESP32 package to have a fixed time semaphore as Github users advised it. I replaced all occurencies of xSemaphoreTake(m_semaphore, por...