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by alanmasutti
Wed Dec 08, 2021 5:21 pm
Forum: ESP32 Arduino
Topic: Error addinf ESP-NOW peer info
Replies: 0
Views: 3460

Error addinf ESP-NOW peer info

Hi guys, I'm working whit ESP-NOW protocol to communicate the status of hardware buttons attached to the one board to controll the second one than is in a score point display in the gym attached to the wall. Ok, I try to add the peer in a separate function that declare a new variable of esp_now_peer...
by alanmasutti
Fri Apr 30, 2021 9:43 am
Forum: ESP32 Arduino
Topic: Watchdog on core 0
Replies: 1
Views: 4536

Watchdog on core 0

Hi everyone, preview: - Working with ESP-WROOM-32 DEVKIT - ARDUINO IDE with 1.0.6 ESP32 boad manager Problem: In setup statement I create a new task pinned to core 0 and I add this task to TWDT supervision. In the task loop function I reset the TWDT only if a button on GPIO14 is unpressed, else ESP3...